Page 11 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 11

                                only operational deployment in 1 Armd Inf Bde, would see troops from A Company training Ukrainian soldiers in a range
of infantry skills. No doubt due to our professionalism and performance (and surely nothing to do with the arbitrary numbering system) 1 Platoon were selected to make up the bulk of the earlier deployments. December saw the Platoon move down to Lydd to conduct Mission Specific Training, with the first troops deployed in January.
Whilst not deployed on Op ORBITAL
1 Platoon supported B and C Coy on numerous exercises, making maximum use of a number of low level training opportunities; indeed, 1 Platoon participated in pretty much every Battalion activity conducted during the first half of 2016.
A Company’s rotation on Op ORBITAL ended in August, and the challenge ahead for 1 Platoon will be to reconstitute after several months apart. Fortunately the Platoon will deploy to the Falklands Islands in September; this will provide an excellent opportunity to sharpen our Light Role skills, integrate a new cohort of junior soldiers and develop the grenadier bond within the Platoon.
 3 Platoon
 3 Pl Comd 3 Pl Sgt
3 Pl Wr Sgt
Lt Parry
Sgt Buckley / Sgt Simmonds Sgt Simmonds
Over the last year 3 Platoon has been very busy and I have seen my role change from the Warrior Sgt in BATUS to the Platoon Sgt on Op ORBITAL and Op FIRIC.
result of their capability and knowledge of Warrior 3 Platoon was one of the first to complete the hand over.
After the return from BATUS the Platoon had some well-earned leave before reforming
in October. Sadly we had to say good bye to Lt Parry as Platoon Commander and Sgt Buckley as Platoon Sgt who are both off to bigger and better
things. I also found myself in the driving seat as 3 Platoon went through rotations deploying on Op ORBITAL, conducting STTT’s for the Ukrainian armed forces and delivering high levels of much welcomed training to a range of contracted and conscripted soldiers.
As for the future, 3 Platoon will soon be deploying on Op FIRIC providing the Resident Infantry Company and will hopefully round the year off with some Christmas leave!
Our arrival in
BATUS, back in
Jun 15, saw what
was at times a
difficult handover/
takeover process, as
we signed for and
readied our Warrior
fleet for Ex PRAIRIE
STORM 3. Despite this the experienced crews of 3 Platoon took to it with ease and worked the long hours required to get the fleet battle ready. Once on the ground 3 Platoon showed the adaptive skills needed to make the transition
from light role infanteering to an effective combat force capable of fully integrating armour. After recovering back to the tank park following the exercise the crews and dismounts again worked hard to hand
in the vehicles in good order, and as a
 Despite this the experienced crews of 3 Platoon took to it with ease...
   Pte Adams demonstrates IED confirmation drills on Op ORBITAL
Petrol bomb inoculation in Copehill Down
 Salisbury Plain. The realistic training drew the attention of key figures such as Rt Hon Michael Fallon, the Secretory for Defence, who visited the exercise to witness one of the riot serials.
Looking forward the Platoon is building up for its deployment on Op FIRIC. This will see the Platoon reunited in the Falkland’s and will provide a great opportunity to prove that 2 Platoon are as skilled operating dismounted as they are with Warriors.

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