Page 9 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 9

                                A (Grenadier) Company
Major Page
Capt Cartwright
WO2 Davies
WO2 Hill / WO2 Timperley
CSgt Timplerley / CSgt Fowles
CSgt Dugmore Cpl Sukha
    OC’s Introduction
2015/16 has been an incredibly interesting period for Grenadier Company which has seen us complete an extremely successful BATUS exercise in Canada, provide support to UK Resilience Operations, deploy on
a six-month operation to Ukraine and, shortly after our return, re-deploy to the Falklands Islands (FI) as the Resident Infantry Company (RIC). We have also been fortunate enough to have personnel posted to the New Zealand Army and committed to the Bn Alpine Ski team and to have
the Company represented in the Army’s Boxing (LCpl Jones), Hockey (LCpl Bush) and Golf (Cpl Geoghegan) teams. These milestone achievements are of course in addition to routine individual and collective training exercises and the myriad of other tasks required to maintain Grenadier Coy at readiness. Our success in each of these challenging tasks is absolutely down to the quality, drive and commitment of our men and I would like to publicly thank them for their efforts over the last year.
As expected, the Company has seen
a significant churn in manpower over the
last 12 months; indeed, the RIC bears little resemblance to the Armd Inf Coy that rolled off of the prairie in Oct 15. To balance the move of 19 experienced soldiers to HQ and Dragon Coy and fill the void left by 10 soldiers who have transitioned to civilian employment, Grenadier Company have received 21 new soldiers from ITC Catterick; they have settled in well and will soon be wearing the coveted Grenadier flash, post FIRIC.
At the command level we bid farewell to Lts Ellison, Peacock and Parry and WO2 Hill. Fortunately, we have retained WO2 Timperley on promotion and have welcomed Capt Cartwright as our new Coy 2IC and 2Lt Dyson as a new Pl Comd. After two years of hard graft, Sgts Buckley, Goodwin and Taylor have moved on, with Sgts
Johnson and Rigley taking over in Jun 16. CSgt Fowles has also taken over as our CQ (M), much to the relief of our new WSM who was at one stage acting OC, 2IC and CSM!
It is always a privilege to see soldiers promoting and I would like to congratulate WO2 Timperley, Sgt Groom, Cpls Browning, Bradley, Dorney, Kaucha and Shepperd
and LCpls Bagley, Bennet, Clarke and Richards on their well-deserved promotions. I would also like to applaud Sgt Taylor, Sgt Buckley, Cpl Kaucha and Pte Bennet 25 who all received Brigade Commanders Commendations for their hard work throughout the year – an excellent effort and thoroughly deserved.
Finally, there must be something in the water as this year has seen no less than
five marriages and eight babies born. All in Grenadier Coy extend their congratulations to WO2 Davies, Sgt Simmonds, LCpls Bywater and Asprey and Pte Salt on their recent marriages and to LCpl Asprey and Harper and Ptes Avery, Dyson, Forrester 54, Garman, Kunaka, Watts and Shaw on the birth of their children.

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