Page 10 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 10

  2 Platoon
It has been another busy and varied year for A (Grenadier) Company, however 2 Platoon have risen to the challenge in true MERCIAN spirit. The year started with a successful deployment to BATUS on Ex PRAIRIE STORM 3, where the newly formed Armd Inf Coy was tested for the first time. Training within a Battle Group context on the prairies prepared 2 Platoon well for its role within
1 Armd Inf Bde’s year of high readiness. On return there was little respite as the
Platoon deployed on Op TEMPERER. This required tremendous levels of commitment and professionalism as the Platoon was held at 12 hours NTM a number of times, including over the New Year period. At one point we were poised to respond to the floods in Lancashire and Yorkshire, fortunately we were called back to camp with the task going to local units.
Cpl Gardner celebrates winning his fight for A Company
During the Christmas period 6 soldiers from 2 Platoon were fortunate enough deployed onto Ex FROSTED BLADE, the Infantry Ski Championships in Val D’Isere. Over two months of arduous training the team prepared themselves to compete in Slalom, Downhill and the notorious Giant Slalom races. Particular recognition should go to Pte France who, as a complete novice, showed great enthusiasm for the sport and performed to a high standard throughout. The newly formed team finished 3rd and defied all expectations by qualifying for the Army Semi Finals.
Since Christmas, 2 Platoon has been a key player in A Company’s deployment on
Op ORBITAL, providing short term training teams to develop Ukraine’s Armed Forces. Whilst not deployed on Op ORBITAL rotations the remainder of the Platoon focused on developing their public order skills, deploying on two major exercises on
 2 Pl Comd 2 Pl Sgt
2 Pl Wr Sgt
Lt Zeal
Sgt Hill
Sgt Keavney
   Pte Powell gives an animated briefing to the CO and Secretary of State for Defence
1 Pl Comd 1 Pl Sgt
1 Pl Wr Sgt
Lt Skelding
Sgt Taylor MC/Sgt Johnson Sgt Goodwin/Sgt Rigley
                                1 Platoon
After the unprecedented pace of training to convert to Armoured Infantry last year, culminating in Ex PRAIRIE STORM 3 from July to September 2015, the soldiers of
1 Platoon were well overdue a period of lower intensity. October saw us compete
in the 3rd Division’s Gunnery Competition
in Lulworth, with a 1 Platoon crew of LCpl Asprey (Comd), Pte Chance (Gnr) and Pte Jones (Dvr) representing the Battalion. Shoots were scored on both accuracy and speed, and the final round saw them come within less than a second of the top spot, an outstanding achievement for a new crew. The same team have now successfully completed their annual qualification shoots and are already preparing to bring the trophy back to Bulford this year.
In November 1 Platoon were tasked to run the Battalion’s selection for the next Junior NCO Cadre. This was predominantly designed as a teaching course, but also included a number of more arduous activities to select the best candidate. A particular participant favourite was the “Endurance Course” which saw the two sections competing in a stretcher race before coming together to complete a log run. Cpl Sheppard took on some of the
Cpl Browning, LCpl Bush, Pte Chadwick lead A (Grenadier) Company and the remainder of the Battalion onto parade for Formation Day
instructor duties assisted by other NCO’s from across the Battalion, and some of the more junior Pte soldiers also gained
an insight whilst acting as enemy during the final exercise. Pte Adams, Bennett and Sweeney (all 1 Platoon) completed the
course with, Pte Forrester (2 Platoon) being awarded top student.
As Christmas approached the Company got the news that we had been waiting for; A Company would deploy on operations. Op ORBITAL, which at the time was the

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