Page 8 - Mercian Eagle 2016
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                                  6 THE MERCIAN EAGLE
I took over a fine Battalion in February 2016, testament to Lt Col ‘Frosty’ Ellwood’s excellent leadership, and a lot has happened since. The pace is fast, the tasks are endless and the standards are high; and as always, 1 MERCIAN soldiers and officers serve with
Secondly, I would like to recognise
the families and partners that are the
real strength of the Battalion – the heart behind the shield, as much a part of the Regimental family as our soldiers. We could not do what we do without your help and
grit, grip, humility and the constant pursuit of excellence. We are well en-route to become the best Armoured Infantry Battalion in the British Army.
...the heart behind the shield, as much a part of the Regimental family as our soldiers.
support. Thank you to the families, you are the unsung heroes.
Finally thank you
to our wider network
of friends; allies; and colleagues in the wider MERCIAN diaspora. Thank you to the Worshipful Company of Bowyers for exceptional
Having succeeded
beyond expectation
in 2015, in 2016
the Battalion honed readiness as part of
the Army’s Vanguard Armoured Infantry Brigade. There have been some real highlights – Exercise LIONS STRIKE on Salisbury Plain, a simulated battlegroup staff exercise in Warminster and Castlemartin Gunnery Camp in deepest, darkest South Wales. Companies have deployed on operations to Ukraine and the Falkland Islands, and on exercise to Lithuania. If
that is not enough, we hosted the Prime Minister Theresa May on her first visit to a Defence Unit and displayed the best of the Army’s Combined Arms Warfighting ability
in the Land Combat Power Demonstration. Throughout, in the words of the GOC of
the Iron Division: we dealt gracefully and professionally with the challenges. Well done.
I must recognise some particular efforts. First, my predecessor, Lt Col Mark Ellwood. ‘Frosty’ took the Battalion from Catterick
to Bulford, amalgamating, converting and setting them along the way with the zeal and energy of a truly inspirational leader
– an historic achievement by a thoroughly MERCIAN officer; and we are stronger for it. My thanks to Frosty.
work raising funds for our Regimental Charity; to our officers and soldiers
serving at external posts (especially RMAS Sandhurst and ITC Catterick) for cementing our high standing among the best Army regiments; and to our Regimental and (new!) Divisional Headquarters who strive long and hard to do the best for our people. MERCIANism is thriving.
In the permanently contested world in which we live, the UK Government relies on having experts in high-intensity warfighting ready to fight and win whenever and wherever the call comes. We are humbled to be among that number, and stand
ready to STAND FIRM and STRIKE HARD wherever we are needed.

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