Page 81 - Mercian Eagle 2016
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                                RHQ Lichfield Jane White, Assistant Regimental Secretary
Stepping through the doors of RHQ for the first time back in late March seemed rather like jumping on to a moving train, given everybody else was well established in post and knew exactly what they were doing. In the first week alone I was whisked along
to planning meetings for a Royal Visit and to other Civic Dignitaries Offices to meet the Lord Mayors’ clerks all over the county. Fortunately for me, Major Jim Massey
was on hand to guide me through the first few weeks and I am indebted to him for giving up several days of his well-earned retirement to take me through a handover of the role. I should also like to especially thank Mrs Massey for going along with the plan and the RHQ staff for making me feel so welcome.
During the weeks that followed I had
a steady stream of visitors to my door
and phone calls from people I have yet
to meet. Initially I thought these contacts were to merely to satisfy curiosity and get a look at the new girl, but now I understand that I was being subtly inducted into the Regimental family, with genuine offers of help and support. I would like to offer further sincere thanks to Major Mac Mclean, Major Mike Tarbuck, Major Ted Green and
Lt Col Dougie Bridges for sharing their invaluable experience and knowledge with me, whilst finding my feet.
I previously worked as the Business Manager in a Royal Navy Unit in landlocked Birmingham and being married to a Royal Navy Engineer, the biggest barrier I have had to overcome in my first year at RHQ has been the cultural differences on the “green” side, not to mention having to learn a whole new vocabulary. Although I need less help with translations these days, I know there is still much more for me to learn so I am taking nothing for granted.
In June, I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend the Founders Day Parade at the Royal Hospital in Chelsea where I met Sgt Jim Fellows and his family members. Jim is a STAFFORDS veteran and resident at the Royal Hospital. It was a real treat for me and no-one could fail to be impressed by those on parade; they never faltered, despite the early summer sunshine beating down on them for almost two hours on the square.
By July I had my first experience of Crich and it was fascinating having to organise and marshal fifty Civic Dignitaries up and down a hill in Derbyshire and get them
all there safely, on time and in the right order. Thank heavens, I had my colleague Andy Manktelow from Chester by my side. Having been forewarned by Lt Col (Retd) Temminck from RHQ and Cindy Clark from Nottingham that there was a real possibility that we would get drenched up on top
of that hill, so Andy and I both turned up
in our matching raincoats, which rather made us look like extras from an American FBI movie. It didn’t rain after all, and we were sweltering by the end the day, but everything went according to plan and we managed to have everyone where they needed to be, in the right order and on time. I really enjoyed the experience and team work that went in to making the day such a success.
In September I represented the Regimental Secretary at a dinner in Lichfield Cathedral, which was a special treat and then in October, I was off to the races in Uttoxeter to present the Mercian Regimental Challenge Cup. I also attended the preview events ahead of the opening of the new visitor centre at the National Memorial Arboretum which just goes to show the amazing variety of events my job at RHQ entails.
      RHQ Nottingham Ms Clark, Assistant Regimental Secretary
RHQ Nottingham remains a busy office; notwithstanding no admin support and its usual commitments of Crich, the Pilgrimage and the WFRA Reunion, there remains our continued commitment to the bereaved and the wounded as well as supporting
our veterans and museums and of course, the Regiment. RHQ remains the conduit between the civilian population and the Regiment and its antecedents and I have been privileged to have been involved in
a variety of events which show the public what a great Regiment, The Mercian Regiment are and how proud they are of their antecedents who continue to support us. One event which saw the ‘old and bold’ uniting with the serving soldiers was the 2 MERCIAN Curry night both in 2016 and 2017, both which were good fun and thanks go to the RSM and all members of the WO’s and Sgt’s mess for their superb hosting skills.
Last year saw us say goodbye to the Crich Warden, Tanky Harrison and his wife Rita who left on retirement. I am sure you will all agree that he did a wonderful job of maintaining the site and Rita’s cakes were legendry! We wish them all the very best
in their next chapter. We now welcome Paul ‘Pud’ Rice and his wife Jackie who are settling in well and are appreciating the support shown to them.
We also said goodbye to Maj (Retd) Bob Prophet who has stood in as Acting
Secretary for the WFRA. I am sure you will agree that he did a sterling job and we wish him well although I have no doubt we will still be seeing him at events.
The Worcester Reunion was well attended and although the March Past was a little shorter it enabled more to join in. Thanks are given to 1 MERCIAN for their support of the event.
As always, the Crich Pilgrimage remains at the heart of this office although it is very much a team effort with the rest of RHQ and the Regiment, in particular 4 MERCIAN. 2016 was very well attended and good weather and some additions of more stalls to the event added to a very good day as did a high number of civic dignitaries and members of our other antecedents joining us.
Part of the WW1 Centenary Commemorations include the laying down of a paving slab in the home towns of all those awarded the VC. RHQ attends these honoured events along with the museums, the associations and our serving soldiers. Another ceremony included a street naming for Vann VC and more of these are planned.
The work of RHQ is very varied and involves much work behind the scenes
to ensure an event runs successfully and appreciates the assistance of the Regiment, museums and association who continue to support me. SFSH
Association Members at the 2 MERCIAN Curry Night 2016
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