Page 96 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
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The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association (WFRA)
 Nigel Fish, Secretary
Having taken over as Secretary last year, I am heartened to hear that branches have resumed contact with quite a few members we were unaware of. Members, both former and serving, are reminded that Branches are dependent on their support, so if they reside near a Branch, go along and enjoy a social evening with colleagues. Branch contact details can be obtained through RHQ Nottingham.
I am also keen that we continue to forge the links between the counties and it is good to see many members turn up at the Worcester Reunion and the Crich Supper and Pilgrimage regardless of which county they originate from.
Members will have seen on the Newsletters or heard from their Branches the requirement to provide consent for the Association to continue to contact them. Although having served with
WFR or its antecedent Regiments they are life members of the Association the General Data Protection Regulations(GDPR) require members to make a positive statement that they wish to be contacted by the Association and therefore enable us to maintain an audit trail of those consents. Without the consent, we cannot contact you; If members have not yet submitted a Contact Consent form they should download the same index.php/membership
 WFRA Dudley, Kidderminster & Rugely Branches
Although numbers may be small in these branches, their force is strong; all three branches still meet on a regular basis and often join forces for talks, events, fundraising and outings.

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