Page 97 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
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                                 WFRA Worcester Branch
Nigel Fish, Chairman
Worcester Branch has yet again had another very busy year with many
parades and ceremonies especially at
the Worcestershire Regimental Stone
in Gheluvelt Park Worcester, where the Branch has remembered every VC won by the Worcestershire Regiment a 100 years ago and continuing through the 100th anniversary of WWI.
July saw a group of us being entered
and participating in the Worcester Carnival; our float saw us honour the memory of the former (twice) Mayor of Worcester, Freeman of the City and late Branch member Mike Layland who organised the carnival for many years. We had photo posters of Mike and Regimental badge and branch banners. The crowds gave us a very respectful applause as we went past. A very enjoyable day that let the people of Worcester see who we are.
Since our 2017 AGM we have lost Branch Members and friends of the Branch so have sadly but proudly attended the funerals of old friends and ex-service men of the Regiments and spouses of Branch members.
Matt Adams, one of the Managers
at Wetherspoon’s ‘The Postal Order’
in Worcester has completed a series of sponsored walks and made donations
to the Mercian Regimental Museum (Worcestershire) and a future planned Memorial Bench in Memory of all those that
Worcester Carnival
served in all Battalions of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment. Col (Retd) Mark Jackson, the Chairman our museum received a cheque for the museum and Nigel Fish Chairman, Worcester Branch received a cheque towards the future memorial bench.
On Saturday the 24th March 2018
we had our Branch annual dinner at the Berkeley, Spetcheley. It was a good night with Capt Jason Rollins and his wife as main guests. We also had WRACS, Welsh
and Grenadier Guards represented. In all it was an enjoyable evening with good company and good food.
If you would like to come along to one of Worcester Branch Meetings and get involved with activities or pay respects to old comrades at ceremonies they meet every other month at Barbourne Ex Services Club, The Moors, Worcester WR1 3ED details can be found on www.
 WFRA Worksop Branch
Mark Butcher, Secretary
Worksop Branch enjoyed another successful year, with 26 active members and boasting of two Brigadiers, who regularly travel long distances on Sunday evenings to attend the meetings and other events. We are very proud and grateful for their dedication and support.
The branch maintains its bi-monthly meetings, with events in between. These have included a trip to the Newark
Civil War Museum, various socials and games nights, manning a stand at the 2017 Worksop Armed Forces Day and attending the Worksop RBL’s ‘Festival of Remembrance’. And of course we have strong attendance at the Remembrance Sunday parade and the Crich Pilgrimage where some of the Worksop gang still enjoy drinks in Crich village the night before the Pilgrimage. Some would say the night has become legendary, (some may not).
We have developed a strong relationship with our local RBL who
have recognised the sterling work of our reserve standard bearer, Ian Middleton, by awarding him with the ‘Standard Bearer Appreciation Award’. An award greatly earned and deserved.
The strength of the branch turnout
at numerous events has attracted the attention of Worksop Council and other local parish council’s, with requests
for attendance at various events and memorial services increasing. You could say that we are becoming a victim of our own success! However, the members respond with traditional military duty and we have not yet failed to provide some attendance for any particular event.
The agenda for 2018 is also very busy (particularly on this centenary year) and it can sometimes seem to members like they are still serving, with the amount of time they spend together. But isn’t that what it’s all about?
Worksop Branch Ian Middleton receiving the RBL ‘Standard Bearer Appreciation’ Award
  Worksop Branch 2017 AGM

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