Page 98 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 98

 Burton Det ACF visit
Towards the end of the year the Chairman visited the Burton Detachment of the Army Cadet Force (badged Mercian) which coincided with preparations for the annual Christmas camp.
Their training and instructing staff had prepared a programme of interesting and challenging stands that included map reading, orienteering, first aid and fitness training, designed to get them ready for their weekend at Swynnerton Training Camp.
This would conclude with a full Christmas lunch on Sunday, prepared and served to the cadets by training team staff, perfectly finishing off the camp before heading home.
During the visit, Chairman of the Mercian Regimental Association,
Lt Col (Retd) Dougie Bridges MBE, made a presentation of £100 to Staff Sergeant Sean Kersey, the Detachment Commander, to help in the training
and development of these very young cadets.
 Presentation to the
National Memorial
In the summer the Mercian Regimental Association made a donation of £100 to the National Memorial Arboretum.
The Chairman received a letter from Kate Woolley, Fundraising Officer of the NMA, thanking the Association and its members for their committed and generous support.
She explained that the National Memorial Arboretum honours the fallen, recognises the sacrifice
and fosters pride in our country. A spiritually uplifting place, she said that the aim is for it to become a world- renowned Centre for Remembrance.
All support, she said, was vital to this future vision.
                                  The Mercian Drummers performing in Lichfield Cathedral during the Mercian 10th Anniversary Dinner on 01 September 2017

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