Page 12 - Eagle Eye Autumn 2022
P. 12
NCGI MPGS Counter Terrorism
by Sgt Boddington
On Wednesday 17th August 2022, 2 Section, NCGI MPGS RAF Wyton conducted a Counter Terrorism Exercise at the Mission Ready Training Centre (MRTC) Bassingbourn. Utilising the bespoke Pre-Deployment Training Facility 2 Section conducted a series of stands that exercised the participating troops in various skills necessary for a QRF to be operationally effective.
The overarching objective of the CTx was to practise the participating troops in executing key skills required for responding to a serious incident on the Station. Members of 2 Section were divided into teams of 3 and given the task of the Station Quick Reaction Force (QRF) and Main Entry Point (MEP) Cover Guard. The MRTC FOB was utilised to simulate the MEP, a 50kg casualty drag doll replicated the Pass Checker & a role players acted as armed attackers. Sequentially the Section were presented by the above stands, instructors engaged with the audience and encouraged active participation, all stands used realistic props and volunteers from the Section provided the role players. Emphasis was placed on the learning experience and developing operational confidence.
The CTx was conducted at the MRTC as this bespoke facility presents a safe & versatile place to train. The FOB infrastructure
lends itself to MEP simulation with Barriers, Chicanes & hard cover all present. The use of blank ammunition and pyrotechnics are permitted and used to heighten the training’s realism.
All stands were practical and integrated active participation of the exercising troops. The overarching objective was developing the understanding and knowledge. Emphasis was placed on learning and gaining experience and confidence. The exercise was not a test, coaching was given throughout to the QRF who then deployed forward to the simulated MEP under attack by a lone terrorist.
Cpl Pickering, building on the previous CTx which focused on the “Confirm” & Clear phases, progressed to focus on the Cordon & Control Phases. He presented a detailed analysis of the purpose of a cordon, why, when and how a cordon is constructed. He elaborated on forensic awareness and how the MPGS are vital in the first phase of preserving evidence through collaboration with external agencies like EOD & 999 services.
LCpl Arnett taught puncture wound first aid, focusing on treatment of Gun Shot Wounds with the use of field dressings and a chest seal he highlighted how someone with a GSW to the centre of mass may have substantial internal injuries including major organ damage.
Finally, with the addition of a casualty, the troops practised a scenario where the main gate had come under sustained and suppressing fire from a concealed attacker. The Pass Checker had received a GSW to the chest and the Armed cover guard was taking cover behind a chicane and returning fire. The QRF then deployed from inside the FOB to extract the Pass Checker and Cover Guard back inside the FOB using fire & manoeuvre.
The CTx fully exploited the excellent facilities provided by the MRTC Bassingbourn. Previous exercises have focused on bladed and vehicle attacks as seen in London, however this CTx addressed a more traditional style of armed attack. Presenting the QRF with a determined and heavily armed attacker. Overall, this CTx achieved its objective and has prepared 2 Section for a more complex and challenging CTx in the future.
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