Page 2 - Eagle Eye Autumn 2022
P. 2

 Foreword from the
Wing Commander Farley-West
 As you’ll see from this exceptional edition, this period has been one of RAF Wyton’s busiest as we celebrated a very special Platinum Jubilee Year whilst also taking every opportunity on offer as we emerged from the pandemic. However, it has also been one of our saddest as we said an incredibly fond thank you and farewell to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The local, national, and global tributes to the Queen’s long and dedicated reign demonstrate the depth of respect and gratitude held for the Queen as our Monarch and as our Head of State. A number of us were lucky to all be together, with our neighbours inthelocalcommunity,ontheeveningofthe Queen’s passing in an extremely poignant and thoughtful Annual Reception. Now, with great pride, we continue in our unwavering service to King Charles III.
In the months covered by this edition of Eagleye you’ll see the fantastic breadth of force development, adventurous training and sporting opportunities open to personnel across Station, with trips both in the UK and overseas. The AT and FD opportunities available are varied and rewarding, and I encourage all to get involved wherever
possible, in whatever capacity. Our ongoing regular activities for the community at RAF Wyton are there for absolutely everyone to be part of and benefit from. These events strengthen our networks and relationships whilst supporting well-being across the Station; this includes the newly constructed Dog Exercise Area which will continue to evolve over the coming months. This edition also highlights the incredible engagement and sense of community that we as a Station continue to develop with our friends and neighbours across the County. Finally, I am extremely proud to highlight the 2022 Pathfinder March and Wyton’s Armed Forces Day, both held in June this year and in celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the legendary Pathfinder Force. These were both sell out events and a resounding success. Armed Forces Day was the largest event the Station has organised for many years, inviting 3000 members of the local community to visit us on Wyton’s airfield. I do hope that many of you were able to enjoy the weather and events across Wyton this Summer. I look forward now to even bigger events over the months to come. Bring on 2023!
Editorial Team:
OIC: Flt Lt Toby Marshall
Editor in Chief: Sgt Gareth Squire Sports Editor: Cpl Mathew Ferguson
Team Contact: 01480 52451 ext. 5871
Spring 2023 edition of Eagle eye Article submission date: 01 Apr 23 Eagleye published: 15 Apr 23
Cover photograph: Wyton remembers HRH Queen Elizabeth II
Published on behalf of RAF Wyton by
Crest Publications
12 Brooklands Court,
Kettering Venture Park, Kettering, Northants NN15 6FD
Tel: 01536 317000
©Crown Copyright:
The opinions expressed in this journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy views or otherwise, of the Regiment or the Ministry of Defence. General Handling: This publication contains official information. It should be treated with discretion by the subscriber. Inclusion of an advertisement cannot be construed as an endorsement by the publishers, their employees or agents of the advertiser or the product or service offered. The publisher and its agents do not accept responsibility for any transaction between the readers and the advertisers. Whilst we take all precautions with regard to advertising, readers are strongly advised to take appropriate professional advice before entering into any commitments. DISCLAIMER The Editor accepts photographs for publication on the understanding that those submitting them have, where required by data protection legislation, obtained consent to publication from those depicted. Anyone who believes this is not the case or has a DPA related concern should contact the Editor.
AT Adventure Training ................................................3 Sailing Adventurous Training .................................4 Exercise Snow Eagle ...................................................5 Camino Eagle 2022 ......................................................6 Chattri Memorial Service..........................................7 Community project.......................................................8
The Talon Cup..................................................................9 RAF Wyton Youth Club..............................................9 RAF Wyton FC Prague Tour 2022.....................10 NCGI MPGS Counter Terrorism Exercise....12 Community Support Update................................13 Dog Walking area ........................................................14 RAF Wyton Armed Forces Day ..........................15

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