Page 16 - Cadet Review 2_24
P. 16

                                Joint Service News
various aids. Some of the dogs bark or growl to warn troops of imminent threats, some were trained to attack upon command. When they catch a suspect, for instance, they would bite the suspect and hold on. They demonstrated how it gripped the forearm of an attacker when told to and did not let go until commanded to. They then moved on to show us how the narcotic detector dogs are used to pick out drugs in a crowd. Two of our cadets were planted with some drugs in their pocket for the exercise and in the crowd of cadets the dogs spotted them with ease, it was very impressive.
We were also given a demonstration of a variety of military weapons, ranging from historic arms
to contemporary ones currently in active service. The precision and range exhibited by some of these weapons were remarkable.
Following the demonstration, we made our way down to Tunnel Beach and Happy Valley for a barbecue and sporting activities such as table football, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, and football.
Cadets participated in TIBUA (Training in Build-Up Areas), engaging in patrols through mock urban environments to clear buildings of potential hazards,
We were
also given a demonstration of a variety
of military weapons, ranging
from historic arms to contemporary ones currently in active service.
   and the enemy! After receiving instruction and a demonstration by staff members, they practiced these techniques themselves in preparation for the confirmatory exercise scheduled for the following day.
After the day’s training, cadets dedicated time to refining their parade and drill skills, led by NCOs, in anticipation of the event on the last Friday. We were impressed by their commitment to achieving high standards despite varying skill levels, with more experienced cadets offering guidance and support to newer members.
What a day! We had an early start getting ready for the TIBUA but before that we travelled to the RAF base and watched a safety video showing us how to travel safely in a helicopter. We then flew, section
by section, to the TIBUA training area in a Puma helicopter. This was incredible, a real ‘Top Gun’ moment. The smiles on the cadet’s faces as we flew along the coast taking in the breathtaking views before landing was priceless. This was a once in a lifetime experience for me and I'm sure many other cadets. 18 months ago, I was teaching and running DofE, now here I am riding in a Puma helicopter. All in a day's work!
After we landed, Section Commanders got briefed on their TIBUA mission. They then briefed their sections, improving leadership and communication skills. The 3 sections then patrolled and cleared
the building/rooms in a mock-up village made of breeze block one story buildings, container units and tunnels. With some staff and cadets acting as enemy units, blank firing weapons, UV sticks and smoke grenades going off while the sections patrolled through the area. With their adrenaline pumping they completed their mission, putting into practice what they learnt. It was great fun for all involved and again a unique experience for most.

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