Page 17 - Cadet Review 2_24
P. 17

                                    In the evening, we visited a local Cypriot restaurant to sample the local Mezze before heading back to base. The accommodation block had a TV room
as well as cadets having access to the ‘The Snug (canteen)’ where they could play pool and socialise.
After breakfast, the cadets assembled for their parade, led by Flight Sergeant Leon Tabiner-Taylor. Sgt Savage, Cpl Winter and Cpl Bezuidenhout also played instrumental roles in assisting Leon with his preparations, offering support and encouragement. Once again, it was a moment of immense pride
for the staff members, witnessing the remarkable progress achieved from the outset of the trip to the final parade. The cadets operated seamlessly as a cohesive team, and despite receiving tips and advice from Col Emerson on how to refine their uniform appearance, they left him thoroughly impressed.
He remarked that they were a cohesive and well-behaved group of cadets that had made the trip a pleasure to lead.
The second activity of the day took us to the Defence Fire and Rescue Service. Here, cadets gained insight into the responsibilities of the job
He (Col Emerson) remarked that they were a cohesive and well-behaved group of cadets that had made the trip a pleasure to lead.
and explored the facilities, including a hot room and crashed cars utilised for simulation scenarios by firefighters. They also examined the equipment on the fire engine, notably the heavy-duty ‘jaws of life’ used for extracting individuals trapped in vehicles. A highlight for many was the opportunity to use the hose, despite the water pressure not being at full capacity, it still provided a significant pushback due to its force. It nearly knocked a few off their feet!
Following this, cadets visited the Sanctuary
of Apollon, an ancient ruin, where they captured exceptional team photos to commemorate the
trip before enjoying an hour at Kurian beach.
The remainder of the afternoon was designated
for packing and returning equipment before the evening's entertainment, where cadets were tasked with entertaining the group with a skit.
DAY 10
On the final day, we embarked on our journey home. Leaving a unique experience and the sunshine behind!

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