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                                of 1930s/40s clothing, especially the fur scarves! Lunchtime came around quickly, and it gave the
cadets a chance to have a break from the challenging conversations in the morning session. Staff were also able to sample the fabulous food and in particular, cakes from the on-site café.
We were extremely lucky that after lunch, we got to experience a rare "Survivor Testimony" session from Holocaust survivor, Malka Levine. Malka was just 3 years old when the town she lived in was ransacked by Nazi occupation. She lived under floorboards for 15 days with her mother and brothers before being hidden by another family for many months. Her father was sadly killed one evening, whilst out looking for food. Malka spoke passionately and with raw emotion. We were particularly shocked to hear how out of over 15,000 Jewish people in her town, only 30 survived, 4 of which were her mother, 2 brothers and herself.
We presented Malka with our memorial flame that was created by Plt Off Langton, and 250 Sqn cadets, in the sessions leading up to the visit. Malka was extremely grateful and taken aback by the display of support from the cadets. The flame was created by Cadets Cole Bloom and Alexander Hufton surrounded by words of remembrance from each cadet to symbolise their thoughts and feelings.
Following the session with Malka, several cadets and staff decided to purchase her book “A Mother’s Courage” which was written during Covid when Malka’s daughter suggested she could write a book to occupy her whilst stuck at home. Malka kindly signed each book with a personal message.
The cadets were then given the opportunity to spend time in the centre’s museum and memorial gardens. A chance to reflect and ask any final questions they may have had.
The final part of the day was, what seemed at first, to be just a big pile of stones until Sam explained that each stone has been placed by people visiting the centre over the past few decades. Once enough
We were particularly shocked to hear how
out of over 15,000 Jewish people in her town, only 30 survived, 4 of which were her mother,
2 brothers and herself
   stones are laid, the memorial will represent each of the 1.5 million children who lost their lives during the Holocaust. An everlasting, poignant reminder of those that never reached adulthood.
We as staff were very proud of the cadets for their display of respect and showing a keen interest to learn. Thank you to the National Holocaust Centre and Museum for allowing us to visit and supporting such an important and interesting day and of course to Mrs Malka Levine for giving up her time to speak to us about her experiences.
  Northern Battle of
Britain Memorial
On Sunday the 5th of May Cadets from 2008 Bawtry participated in a ceremony to unveil the new Battle of Britain Memorial at the South Yorkshire Air Museum.
The day began with a fly past from a Spitfire before the squadron participated in a march past the new memorial, paying compliments to Air Vice Marshall Alan Johnson who was the ceremony's guest of honour.
Bawtry's newly promoted Cadet Warrant Officer Jenson Moore had the honour of escorting the Air Vice Marshall throughout the ceremony, mixing with other VIPs including the Mayor of Doncaster.

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