Page 54 - Cadet Review 2_24
P. 54

                                SWY Wing ATC
By Flight Lieutenant Katrina Clarke
On Sunday 28th April 250 (Halifax) Squadron visited the National Holocaust Centre and Museum. The trip was also opened up to local Squadrons and
we were delighted to be joined by cadets from 59 (Huddersfield) and 44F (Bradford) Squadron.
This visit was picked as the winning presentation following a 'Dragons Den' pitching task in previous parade evenings. Teams were each given a different trip location to pitch relating to the topics such as air, science or history and one group was even given ‘a trip of your choice’.
Following the winning team’s pitch being the National Holocaust Centre and Museum, the staff team got straight on with planning the visit.
Discussion and research sessions were led by Pilot Officer Abigail Langton in the run up to the visit and cadets showed high levels of maturity and attentiveness throughout each activity.
On the day, we boarded the coach and set off in high spirits but also remaining well aware of the
Cadets showed high levels of maturity and attentiveness throughout each activity
  mixed emotions the day may bring.
Upon arrival, we were met by Sam who worked at
the centre and was our dedicated contact throughout the day. Sam kindly showed us to our base and
ran through the timetable in addition to playing an introductory presentation about the Holocaust and the history of the centre itself.
The cadets were then split into two groups and were taken through the centre’s ‘back in time’ experience starting with the pre-WW2 years which helped to show how things gradually led to the horrors of the Holocaust. The groups moved through various rooms set up in the style of what they would have been like at the time and so got to experience the similarities and differences to our lives today. The cadets particularly liked trying on the various items

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