Page 12 - The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit
P. 12
The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit
Badger and Sophia believed that the deer would infiltrate the fairy kingdom and Barns Wood by changing into another animal or bird, and tricking the local woodland animals into believing that they had a new friendly neighbour. Once no one suspected it, the deer would pounce.
Badger was now the co-ordinator and head of a committee of five trusted woodland animals known as Wisdom. Their goal was to destroy the black deer. Secrecy was high on their agenda and the committee never met in the same place twice.
Charlie and his neighbours, Alfie and Sam, had a greater task. It was a heavy burden for them to carry, but one that they would honour. They were responsible for gathering information about any strangers entering the valley, and getting to know them and winning their trust. In other words, they had become spies in case a stranger betrayed themselves as being the deer. It was vital that the three animals carried on with their lives as normal to avoid arousing suspicion.
Charlie’s mother, Tilly, had sensed that something was troubling her son, but she knew better than to ask him outright: he would tell her in his own time. Meanwhile, she supported him and his daughters by giving them all the love and care that they deserved.
Twins, Paris and Jessica, were often to be found with their school friends in the meadow, but at weekends looked forward to spending quality time with their dad. Last weekend, he had taken them to see Dolly Partridge. She