Page 75 - Cormorant Issue 20 2017
P. 75

 PAGE 73
  Continuity Drill display by The Queen’s Colour Squadron
at night, under moonlight, to mask their attack. It is a testament to the aircrew who  ew this mission that both the Möhne and Eder dams were breached and the Sorpe dam was damaged in a raid that only 617 Sqn (The Dambusters) could have achieved.
The Dambusters raid showcased excellence in the air, bravery and determination demonstrating the ethos and the culture of the RAF. Of the 19 aircraft that took part in the raid, only 11 returned and we remembered both the 53 aircrew killed in the raid, and the hundreds of people killed on the ground as
a result of the  ooding. Today only one Dambuster from Op CHASTISE survives and we were extremely honoured that Sqn Ldr George “Johnny” Johnson MBE DFM was able to join us for the evening. Johnny was a bomb aimer in AJ-T “Tommy” and was responsible for a successful hit on the Sorpe Dam. Accompanying Johnny was Wg Cdr John Bell MBE DFC, a fellow bomb-aimer, who was responsible for a direct hit with a Tallboy on the V-2 weapon bunker at Watten, in addition to being part of the 617 Sqn bomber force involved in the successful bombing of the Tirpitz at Trömso. It was a real privilege for us to
meet them both and to share in their recollections of their wartime experiences.
With the Course key assessed deliverables completed, we were in the mood for a fun and relaxed evening and we were fortunate to start with an excellent Continuity Drill display by The Queen’s Colour Squadron. This was followed by a  ypast from a pair of Typhoon aircraft before an air raid siren summoned the 310 of us to take our places
in the Victory Dining Hall. As has become tradition on ACSC 20 Mess Dinners, the Reverend James Francis, our resident Padre, delivered Grace in his extremely appropriate, yet hugely witty, way and we enjoyed a great meal from the chefs. Throughout
we were entertained hugely by the RAF Shades of Blue Big Band, playing 1940s music, which was interspersed with poignant vignettes, read by Maj Seb Schreiner, Wg Cdr Tom Walker and Mr Seb Cox from the Air Historical Branch, outlining the progress of the raid. We were grateful to another former Dambuster, Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier, who summed up the historical signi cance of the raid and looked forward to the reformation of 617 Sqn with Lightning in 2018. With
Sqn Ldr George “Johnny” Johnson MBE DFM and Wg Cdr John Bell MBE DFC
the formal part of the evening concluded, the guests retired to the Bar for a tour-de-force from the course band Red Light and a well-earned pint of Otter ale, or a beautifully chilled shot of vodka from the vodka luge!
Having a dif cult act to follow after such a great series of Mess dinners, the RAF held its own thanks to all those who worked so hard to make it happen, including the Committee, our Industry partners, the 617 Association and everyone who joined us. We look forward to seeing 617 Sqn  ying Lightning from RAF Marham and wish all Dambusters a successful 75th anniversary of Op CHASTISE next year. Aprés moi le deluge.
   Today only one
Dambuster from Op CHASTISE

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