Page 52 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
P. 52

                                Scottish Branch
George Duncan
We are sad to announce that George Duncan passed away at the beginning of February after a short illness.
George, from South Queensferry, was
an elder statesman and life member of
the Scottish branch, having joined in
1976 and then soon became a committee member which he fulfilled for 35 years. A well-known face around the show scene, George loved to grow and show, not only veg, but flowers, shrubs, bulbs, and his fabulous honey. He loved to meet people, have a quiet chat, and share his knowledge at the shows, including last year where
he enjoyed a visit to the Scottish Branch Championships in Larbert at the grand old age of 94.
George spent his whole working life in horticulture, leaving school at 14, he started working for J.C.Lyle. He remembered in 1941, working with the land girls before
being called up for National service.
On “demob” George started work at Craigflower gardens near Torryburn in Fife, and then in 1980 he took on the head gardener’s job at Dalmeny, where he worked until his retirement.
George loved to show at all levels gaining Scottish Branch red tickets in Celery and Shallots and National red tickets in Celery and Pot Leeks, but he always loved to support the local village shows and continued to show, well into his 90’s.
Over the years it was very noticeable that in his own quiet unassuming manner, George helped, encouraged, and nurtured many new and inexperienced growers and throughout the years and was always giving talks and welcoming people to his garden, in addition to judging at shows. George was awarded an NVS silver medal in 2000 and in 2019 was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society.
We have lost a true gentleman and friend.
   Chairs Report
As we leave the Winter months behind us, I hope that many of you enjoyed the Winter SV Magazine and were also inspired by the NVS’s programme of varied Zoom talks.
Thank you to Jim Williams and Alistair Gray for joining me in giving some of these talks. Springtime continues to provide us with longer days and more sunshine to enable you all to put your veg growing plans into action. Maybe we will see even more new growers this year at our Branch Championships in September and make more likeminded friends. Shows aside, some of our Branch members have volunteered to do seed trials working with our partners DT Brown or Marshall’s which is a great opportunity, and we look forward to hearing from you to see how you progress through the year (the good, the bad and the ugly), it’s how we all learn. Thank you for volunteering and providing this important feedback to our partners, it is most appreciated.
Despite our branch’s “covid delayed” AGM last year which was held in July, the committee has strived to get back on track with our meeting schedule and so as you read this report, our Scottish Branch AGM and initial committee meeting for 2022 should have recently taken place to kick start the year.
On a personal note, in these uncertain times please continue to stay safe.
  Caley Awards 2019
 Scottish Branch – 200 Club
All Scottish Branch members will have found a 200-club entry form flier in with your copy of the previous January/winter magazine.
For 2022 we have now decided to delay the 1st prize draw and start, like last year, running from March to December. The prize draw is taken at the end of each month, so make sure you send your forms in or get the link from the emailed broadcast that was sent out to Scottish branch members on email on February 3rd OR print a form from the web site within the “Resources” section. At the time of writing, we have just over 100 members this year, so thanks to all of you
who have “joined” so far.
Below are the last two sets of 2021
draw results, congratulations everyone!
copy in the “Resources” section of the NVS web site to enable you to print one out. Alternatively please contact Gareth Cameron. 2 Dyke Nook, Yeathouse Road, Frizington, Cumbria CA26 3QL, Telephone: 07935 117 397 or email: (Note change of email address please)
Prize money is dependent on how many 200 Club members we have with half the revenue generated going towards the Scottish Branch funds and half going towards the 200-club prize money.
Thanks again for your support.
  First Prize £20
  Second Prize £10
  Nov J Cropper
W Louden
  N McLean
  A Bird
  Now is not too late to join and you do not have to be a Scottish Branch member (or even an NVS member) to join, so please encourage friends and family too.
If anyone requires a copy of the 200-club form, you can now find a PDF
52 Simply Vegetables
MEMBERS 30000 TO 39999

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