Page 54 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
P. 54

                                Northern Branch
NVS Lanc’s DA
It’s February and usually by now we’ve had quite a bit of snow and frost in Lancashire – I know we had this time last year. Thus far, we seem to have escaped but for a few flurries and a bit of occasional frost, though quite a few storms and heavy rain have left some impact.
David Metcalfe, DA Talks Secretary has preliminary put together a list of excellent talks either for early 2022 or later 2022/23 - Chris Nightingale. - Growing flowers for show. John Taylor - Herbal remedies & potions. Mark Hall - Veg. & flower growing on a patio. Peter Glazebrook - Growing giant veg. Dean Finley - Chillies. David Metcalfe - Onions or leeks. John
Smiles (new talk) David Allison - Container growing. Quiz - for AGM. The question
still remains, do we hold them in person
or try to do some virtually? The DA AGM being held February will be via zoom again, hopefully with a good attendance and
we can have a discussion on the point. We’re not out the woods yet with covid but “things” seem to be going in a more positive direction with it.
Ralph Jolly
display slightly differently to previous ones – more actual plants showing how the produce grows. Obviously, they take up more room transportation wise, bit more delicate to move about but visually have
a good impact on a background. We’ll just have to see – again all down to what
  Chairman’s report
The first month of 2022 has just passed and the Northern branch has started to open back up with many of our DAs re-starting their meetings again. Let’s hope we can all get back to normal as soon as possible. The Zoom meetings held every two weeks are also proving to be a great success, these are held by the trustees and can be booked online from the NVS website.
I have held back with sowing any seeds at home as yet but will be starting off the culinary leeks this weekend ready for the Harrogate spring flower show followed by tomatoes in early March. The cost of fuel will be a major factor for many
this year, also the availability of good quality compost. We are experimenting with some peat free composts at
work to see how they perform against our standard compost. So far the germination has been good with all the brands we are using although the conditions are ideal and they are all receiving the same feed programme throughout the growing trial. This will be interesting to follow throughout the growing year.
We are getting busy already at work with sowing well underway for the season. The greenhouses are filling up very fast and more staff arriving each week to keep the plants moving throughout the system. We are having a major development this season with a new area built to accommodate
the filling machines also new sowing lines and extra chamber space to germinate the seeds before they enter the different zones within the greenhouses. The whole area of glass is around 7.5 acres. Plants are going out to all areas of the country every week. I enjoy seeing the process from start to end and admire the quality of the young plants that are delivered to the nurseries. Most of the plants are flowers but we do a small range of vegetables.
Let’s hope that the season will be kind to us this year and we don’t get the late frosts like last year. We are due a good growing season.
Happy growing.
Adrian Read FNVS Chairman Northern Branch
 I’ve had some discussions with DA members about Shows this year. For the past few years, we have attended Chorley (27-31 July 2022) and for many years Southport (18-22 August 2022). Both shows are on this year but initial talks within the DA are to likely commit to just 1, if we can find enough volunteers
As volunteers we all come together to share our love of growing, sharing knowledge and stories
Members can grow and what’s ready in time. Fingers crossed for some decent weather!
The DA were sad to hear the news of Ralph Jolly passing away 23 January 2022. Despite his recent health issues, Ralph was
a regular attendee at DA meetings for many years. Ralph loved being with likeminded people and had a great passion for growing flowers, vegetables and showing them. Ralph had an allotment in Blackburn,
to set up the stand, man
it and then dismantle the
display. Not to mention the
produce which Members
generously grow and
contribute which we just couldn’t muster enough of last year. Another factor which
I have never even considered in the past
is the rising cost of fuel. Travelling about, getting ready for the show, then travelling to shows for what can be a week has suddenly become something to think about – 80-mile daily round trips aren’t just a few quid anymore. As volunteers we all come together to share our love of growing, sharing knowledge and stories, being with likeminded people, meeting up with our mates, having a laugh; we don’t do it for the money that’s for sure.
becoming friends with Bob Almond who was a renowned dahlia grower, teaching Ralph everything he knew – soon showing at local shows and winning many medals. Ralph became a Member of the Ewood Allotments Committee, a Member on the Blackburn with Darwen Allotment judging panel and Chair of Blackburn Summer Flower Show. Over the past few years he had started to grow and show another allotment favourite, chrysanthemums. Our sincere condolences to Ralph’s family and friends.
Cath Holmes, Chair
NVSLancs NVSNorthern
 54 Simply Vegetables
We have briefly discussed staging at which show we attend and may do the
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