Page 55 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
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North East Derbyshire DA (NEDDA)
With great eagerness and anticipation, the DA met for the first time in two years (one month short of two years
to be precise). With the successes, failures and frustrations of 2021 behind us, Wednesday 19th January brought about the DA’s 2022 AGM.
The elected positions were filled as follows:
• Chairman: John Goodall FNVS • Secretary: Geoff Butterworth
• Treasurer: John Croot FNVS
• Show Secretary: Mick Shipley
• SV Reports/PR Duties: Mick
Shipley FNVS
• Committee members; Charles
Cooper FNVS (Transport & Logistics Manager), John Ramsell FNVS, John Lumbis
The photograph depicts the DA Committee as elected on the night. From left to right; John Lumbis, John Goodall, John Ramsell, Charles Cooper, John Croot, Geoff Butterworth. Mick Shipley is not pictured, he’s the unlucky one having to take the photograph.
Owing to work constraints and other commitments 3 committee members needed to resign from their positions: Eric Smith, Steve Wright and Callum Wright. All three will be greatly missed for their efforts and support over the years. On a positive note, we have a new edition to the committee, Mr John Lumbis. It feels a bit like 1 step forward and 3 steps backwards, nevertheless John is a great asset to have on the
committee and without doubt he’ll bring new ideas and enthusiasm to the DA
Our ever-youthful Secretary Geoff Butterworth is in the process of putting together another excellent list of speakers and visits for the 2022 season.
Below are the speakers and events currently planned for 2022
• 20th April: David Thornton – Growing Better Vegetables
• 18th May: Graham Wagstaff – Growing Vegetables in a Confined Space
• 15th June: Tracey Akhurst – Good Enough to Eat
• 20th July: Geoff Hodges – The Effect of Global Warming
• 17th August: Geoff Wilson – Creatures of the Root Zone
• September: No Meeting (D.A. Show)
• 19th October: TBA
• 16th November: TBA
• December – No Meeting. Meetings are held at the Pleasley
Miners Welfare, Chesterfield Road. NG19 7PD starting around 19:45hrs unless otherwise stated.
NEDDA’s 43rd Open Vegetable Show will be held on Sunday 11th September 2022 at the Village Centre, Glapwell, Derbyshire S44 5LW. For further show or meeting details contact, DA members, Mick Shipley or Geoff Butterworth. Contact details can be found in the NVS Directory.
Mick Shipley
Manchester and Cheshire DA
Well, we finally managed to have our first Manchester D.A meeting on the 1st February since the pandemic started.
As we haven’t had one in nearly 2 years, I hadn’t organised a speaker, we had a
lot to talk about and sort out. First was making sure we had a committee, which we successfully managed. Then we sorted out how we were going to take our group forward. There were lots of great ideas, which we will be putting together and implementing. We are hoping to go to the new RHS Bridgewater in the near future as a group tour. I will email out regarding the meetings and any speakers we organise.
As for the growing side not a lot going on as I write this. The Hative de Niort Shallots are in and growing nicely, so is the Elephant garlic and Japanese onions.
The carrot / parsnip barrels are nearly ready for the Duchess parsnips, New Red Intermediate long carrots and the Sweet Candle short carrots. The large leeks – Pendle Improved and the large onions David Metcalf strain are doing very well. They have already grown too large for their grow tents so I’ve had to build a large frame so that they can stay under the led grow lights.
If anyone is interested in coming to our meetings, we meet at the Hough End Police Club, Mauldeth Rd West, Chorlton, M21 7SX. First Tuesday of the month, starting at 8pm.
Sandra McNicholls
Pendle Improved Leeks
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