Page 53 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
P. 53

 Scottish Branch Championships 2022 – change of venue
For your information, the Scottish Branch Championships were scheduled once again to be at the Corn Exchange Haddington, however, as in 2021, the NHS have advised they have now commandeered this venue for covid related activities for all of 2022.
To that end, the Scottish Branch will once again hold their Branch Championships at the Larbert Old Parish Church Halls, Denny Road, Larbert FK5 3AB to ensure that the Committee retains control of proceedings.
A show schedule will be issued within the Summer edition of the SV magazine, however in the interim, for planning purposes, we would like to confirm that the classes will be the same as 2021.
                                 Scottish Branch Annual Garden Visit 2020 / 2021 / 2022 – third time lucky!
  All being well this year, the Scottish Branch are proposing that we have our garden visit subject to covid restrictions and agreement with Gordon Castle.
We aim to be able to finally visit the Gordon Castle Walled Garden on Sunday 17th July 2022, organised by the North
of Scotland DA. Just a few years ago the Gordon Castle garden lay empty until in 2013 when Angus and Zara Gordon Lennox decided it was time to bring this amazing place back to life. Initially the plan was simple; use the walled garden to grow herbs to make a botanical gin, but it soon became apparent that the space could offer so much more. With the help of award- winning designer Arne Maynard, Angus and Zara began drawing up plans to make the garden as beautiful as it is productive and started the journey to create the Gordon Castle brand with the Walled Garden at its heart. At almost eight acres in size, the walled garden is one of the biggest in Britain and everything grown within
its walls has a use whether its lavender
for essential oils, apples for cider or fresh vegetables for the café kitchen.
NOTE, our original plan back in 2020 was as noted below, BUT this may change, so please keep an eye on the web site and the next SV Magazine for updates.
All being well, meeting at the Walled Garden Shop the visit will start at 10.30am.
be paid for by the Branch, however a soup/ sandwich/tea/coffee lunch will be provided at the Walled Garden for a modest fee. (all to be confirmed)
After lunch we will then visit the garden of Peter Fitch at Lhanbryde and then Hoss Martin’s Garden at Kinloss.
This is the first time the Branch have been as far north for the Garden Visit so I hope you can make what promises to be a wonderful day.
Gordon Castle Walled Garden, Fochabers, Morayshire, IV32 7PQ
The main entrance to Gordon Castle Walled Garden is situated at the western
end of the village of Fochabers on the A96, approximately nine miles east of Elgin
and twelve miles west of Keith. Coming from Elgin, once you pass Baxters take the next right and the roundabout then first
left through the castle arches. From Keith, take the first exit at the roundabout into Fochabers and follow through the village until you see the arches on your right-hand side. From Perth, take the north bound A9 to Aviemore, then follow A95, A941 and A96 to Fochabers.
*Top tip – being in the Scottish Highlands postcodes tend to cover a large radius so please don’t rely on your SatNav to get you here!
 Entry to the castle garden will, as usual,
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