Page 43 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 43

SSgt (SSI) D C Sansom RAPTC
When I arrived at Leuchars in September 2022, my predecessor SSgt (SSI) Baldwin had left the regiment in a fantastic state which made settling into my new role a lot easier. However, it was clear that the Gymnasium had not received any TLC since the RAF was the building custodians. My priority since my arrival has been to update and bring the modern approach to both the Gymnasium and Physical Training for the regiment’s benefit.
The new Physical Training Programme has been designed around the Army Physical Training System prioritising Strength & Conditioning to educate on the functional movements and maintain aerobic capacity, all designed to reduce the likelihood of injury and create a Soldier Athlete able to conduct your role as a reconnaissance soldier.
The improvements made to the Gymnasium began with the Weights Room being completely redecorated, new lighting, an update to the flooring, and all the resistance machines going through a complete service and refurb. Next was the sports hall and functional area. It confused be why the Gymnasium did not have a pull up rig, so I had designed and installed one in the functional area and the matting had been relayed professionally. Finally (up to now) we have redesigned the Gymnasium and created a lower body-specific room now located in the old PT Sports store.
Of course, it hasn’t all been serious, between me and WO1 (ASM) Dolan we have introduced a weekly Adventurous Training opportunity. The AT so far has seen soldiers of all ranks walk up the Munro of GLEN CLOVA enduring some vigorous but glorious Scottish weather. The AT will continue with plans to utilise the RAF ATI that is stationed at Leuchars to help deliver some fun multi package activities and ATG(A) Inverness.
Still a way to go...
One of the highlights since my arrival was having the pleasure of organising the Christmas “FUN PT” for the regiment. The session included ZORB Football, (although there was not much football being played), extreme TAG, potted sports and the regiment’s newfound favourite sport, Dodgeball.
With sport being re-introduced into society following COVID, I have been pushing the regiment to partake in all available sporting activities. Sgt Warren managed to find a seven-aside football team and travelled to the south of England to take part in the 7 Brigade competition. Cpl Hynds found some fantastic runners to travel north for the Scottish Regional Cross-Country Competition, the team took the win over all! Finally, the British Army Warrior Fitness Team have been training hard and have managed to gain a podium position on each event we have been present at.
Being your RAPTCI it brings me great pride to hear these successful sporting stories and I hope they continue throughout my tenure.
 A B Sqn welcome home to Regimental PT!

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