Page 45 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 45

LCpl McCormick & Pte Childs providing catering support throughout OP INTERFLEX
DG catering department received a letter of appreci- ation from the head of DIO. Expressing gratitude for support delivered in the weeks leading up to the State Funeral for HM Queen Elizabeth II.
As a thank you to the SCOTS DG catering department for support to 51X (before we moved to 7X) we were all invited to a dinner night at Edinburgh Castle. Due
SSgt Lumsden & LCpl Patterson plating main courses for the dine out of WO2 Imrie
to ongoing commitments SSgt Lumsden and LCpl McCormick attended to represent the department. Unknown to him at the time LCpl McCormick was put forward and become the honoured recipient of 51X Commanders Commendation. Both enjoyed the great privilege of “pulling the pin” at the Sgt’s Mess in the confines of Edinburgh Castle and spending the night.
Moving swiftly into the control of 7X with the hope that the workload would slow down a bit, we were hit straight away with OP INTERFLEX. SCOTS DG rotated chefs over a 5-month period, forming part of a team feeding 400+ Ukrainian conscripts 3 times a day. With the now expected gusto and flair the department delivered again! and were credited for professionalism and quality of work.
Finishing off the year. With little encouragement SSgt Lumsden volunteered his services in support of the SCOTS DG WO’s dine out. His unrivalled (self-confessed) ability at trade level was just another opportunity for him to showcase his passion for cooking and help him sleep at nights. The department welcomed in Sgt Harper from 39RA, completing the team who go into next year with their eye on further achievements and MORE COINS!
    LCpl McCormick recieving 51X Commanders Commendation

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