Page 44 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 44

Staff Sergeant Richie Lumsden
 2022 has been another high tempo year for SCOTS DG Catering Department in support of 51X/7X Trawls, Regimental commitments, and unit activity. A year however we have come out the other end of with real success. Establishing the department across Brigade and at Unit level.
Cpl Gray was the first one out the door, deployed on a six-month tour of OP TANGHAM in Somalia. Scottywentoutreallyseeingtheopportunitiesofa long-term deployment and to his credit came back haven achieved Commanders Coin. Concurrently the department was gearing up for WESSEX EAGLE 2, which is never without its planning issues, but we get there somehow in the end. Sgt Roseru, Cpl Suguta & Pte Theu formed the chef team required to establish a field kitchen at Braunton Burrows training area feeding SP on exercise over a 3-week period. Planning was going well until we found out that siting a field kitchen was unheard of on the training area due to
SSgt & Mrs Lumsden attending garden party with an onlooking Prince Charles
it being a national heritage site! This came with real concern and the added pressure in making sure we “made it count” with the quality of food.... They Did.
SSgt Lumsden was requested as lead caterer for The ROYAL GUARD, a huge honour that ended up becoming the flagship event of the year. Frustratingly stuck doing all the boring yet important behind the scenes work. SSgt Lumsden named the team responsible as Sgt Roseru, Cpl Suguta, LCpl McCormick & Pte Morrison telling them “Don’t come back without a coin” they would become the main stay throughout. Working out of Victoria Bks in wonderful Ballater the team were responsible for providing catering support to 5SCOTS over a 3-month period. Away from the constraints of contract catering this set the scene for Old School “proper” Army cooking. Outside of the 130 people 3 times a day feeding, the team planned and delivered many functions including 51X Commander visit and supporting public engagement events. Throughout the team showcased their quality and range epitomising the military chef thus deservedly earning Sgt Roseru and Cpl Suguta with 51X Commanders Coins.
With The ROYAL GUARD behind them Sgt Roseru & LCpl McCormick moved to Worthy Down to complete their respective career courses. Whilst in attendance of his Chef Class 1 Course, LCpl McCormick competed in Sothern Rivals CrossFit Competition. Competing against 40 other teams in part of a team of six LCpl McCormick did himself and his Regiment proud in finishing 2nd overall. SSgt Lumsden jumping into any good opportunity to get out the office for a couple of days, put his name forward (the night before) before SCOTS DG headed south to Kendrew Barracks to compete in a 7X football competition. The team didn’t experience the success like those who had gone before, however we didn’t embarrass ourselves and we were there in good spirits. (Even if it did rain ALL DAY!)
With the department at this stage spread thin across the country OP UNICORN was called. With great pride and sheer determination to deliver Pte Morrison moved to Redford Barracks whilst Pte Theu headed south in support of OP BRIDGE. Concurrently SSgt Lumsden with the Industry Partner orchestrated all feeding requirements out of Leuchars Station. For support provided over OP UNICORN the SCOTS

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