Page 74 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 74

Edinburgh and East of Scotland
It has, all in all, been a rather haphazard year at times especially when the planned Combined Branch Gathering which was scheduled to take place from 9 – 10 September and due to include a golf and bowling tournaments had to be cancelled at the last minute due to the sad passing of our Colonel in Chief, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. This event has now been rescheduled for April 21 – 22 April 2023 and the hotel has kindly agreed to transfer all the bookings to the new dates at no extra cost. Hopefully, at the time of publication of this year’s journal, this event will have taken place and details will be published in next year’s journal.
A Grey’s Reunion, the brainchild of and well organised by Barry Liston, was held on 13 October at the Scots Guards Club, Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh. It was a gathering of quite a few “Greys”: although the number is reducing, the old tilly lamps were swinging, and the odd sandbag was on the floor. There was also a sing song although the words of some of the songs were not suitable for delicate ears. All in all, it was a great night and many thanks go to Barry and Helen for organising the event.
The opening of the Edinburgh Garden of Remembrance service took place at Scott Monument, Edinburgh on
The Edinburgh Branch Secretary in Ypres in November
24 October 2022. The Regimental wreath was laid by Major Jamie Erskine MBE and Andy Wright (Glasgow Branch) was there with his ever-present camera to record the occasion.
The normal Armistice Day Service in Edinburgh was to be held at 1100hrs on 11 November. However, at the last minute the event was moved to New Haig House, Edinburgh due to high winds. This, however, did not deter the determination of Major Aidan Stephen who employed a modicum of Field Marshal Stanier’s determination, and demanded the gates to the Field of
  Edinburgh Branch Greys Reunion

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