Page 76 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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North West of England
At our AGM in March, Peter Farley retired from his role as branch secretary which he had held for eight years, having previously been social secretary for nearly forty years. We would like to say thank you for all his hard work over the years for the Association. Peter has handed over the secretarial reins to Colin Daniels who is hoping to continue his sterling work.
Our first event was the chairman’s BBQ which was kindly hosted by Liz Scrivener at Gales Uchaf. This was a great occasion on a beautiful hot July day and plenty of cold swift ones were had by everyone. The Association Chairman, Charlie Lambert, attended the event to present Peter Farley with his life membership for all his exceptional work over the years on behalf of the Association.
Chester despite a last-minute change of venue due to the United Services Club going into administration. We had a good turnout and everyone enjoyed the evening catching up with old friends and remembering those Absent Friends who were no longer with us.
On Remembrance Sunday we attended the Chester Remembrance events. Twelve members took part in both the parade and the service in the Cathedral. Adam Butler had the honour of parading our Standard and Peter Farley laid the wreath on behalf of the Regiment. Afterwards we retired back to Ye Auld Kings Head.
Finally, on the first Sunday of December, we gathered at Ye Auld Kings Head for our traditional Christmas
In November we had our annual reunion at Ye Auld Kings Head in
Branch members in Chester
The Chairman of the Association, the Chairman of the North West Branch and the recently retired Secretary of the N
Ready to parade in Chester on Remembrance Sunday
card exchange.
     London and South East of England
George Cochlan and I, Rupert Gather, took over the London and South East (LSE) of England Branch a year ago from the ‘dream team’ that was Howard Elston and John Rochester. Actually, it was all pretty seamless and straightforward as we live within 100 yards of each other – George in the Royal Hospital and me just outside the gates, so we can do a lot of ‘strategizing’ over a pint at the Chelsea Pensioner’s Club which, if you don’t know it, is one of the best (and cheapest) pubs in London.
The LSE Region is a hard one to get right: lots of affiliated members but spread out geographically and
many on the move. I am not so worried about that as we can contribute in a different and, in many respects, a more important way being the London hub for national events. We are not technically the hosts as these are Regimental rather than LSE Branch events, but we get to do all the logistics and running around (well I say “we” - it’s actually George for whom nothing is too much trouble and is so deserving of our thanks).
Of these events, Cavalry Memorial is the most popular and rightly so. There is something about a Spring day in London with friends and colleagues from across the Regiment and the Cavalry as a whole enjoying

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