Page 26 - Oundle Life April 2022
P. 26

Maria Earl initially set up an equestrian supplies business in the West Street Bazaar. Then in 2001, the business moved to a shop in the Market Place and Leo’s Pet Supplies was born. The shop now provides pet care supplies for everything from hamsters
and rabbits, to dog and cats!
What made you choose Oundle?
Oundle always makes you feel very comfortable and there was an opening for an animal related business, so it seemed a natural place to be.
What is the best thing about your job?
Helping customers resolve any problems
with their pets, and as I’ve been here so
long now I get to see dogs not only as puppies but throughout their whole life as well as customers whose babies I have had the privilege of seeing
grow up into great young adults.
How have you seen the High Street change?
The high street has essentially always been filled with a great assortment of independent shops,
Caring for your best friends
    I get to see dogs not only as puppies but throughout their whole life
although over the years I have seen many different ones come and go.
What are your best sellers? My own brand dog food Earls Platinum is really popular, along with Canagan, Symply, Green Pantry and Eden, all are natural healthy foods. Cute toys and yummy treats will sell all day long.
Anyone famous popped in? I have been lucky to serve some famous actors.
You have £10 to give to charity, who do you choose? I would choose Support Dogs UK. They are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year and we are organising a quiz covering

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