Page 27 - Oundle Life April 2022
P. 27

                                      many topics and it’s available now if anyone would like to take part.
Most unusual request you’ve had? A cricket box! A gentleman thought he had gone into the
eating out occasionally is great too, either way wine will be on the menu.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? Dogs. I have Katie my greyhound who is often in
   sports shop which used to be next door.
What makes Leo’s Pet Supplies
so special? Familiarity and honesty. Many customers will come in just to say hello if they are passing, sometimes they have good news and sometimes sad, sometimes just to chat, but it’s a privilege to share those moments with them.
My mum and dad have always been an inspiration for so many reasons
the shop with me. My husband has a cheeky collie called Fly.
Something people don’t know about you? I love music gigs. Especially seeing Frank Turner. I’m also saving lots of pennies to see Bruce Springsteen again when he tours.
Who inspires you? My mum and dad have always been an inspiration
 Proudest moment? My amazing daughter graduating from Reading University and then from Cambridge University, achieving her goal to become a teacher.
Dinner out or at home? Home comforts, but
for so many reasons. My mum passed away in September 2017 and my dad in November 2021, they constantly inspired me while they were here and will continue to do so forever more.

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