Page 14 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 14

                                The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
      Lt Jefferis and LCpl Munt in an overt OP
      re-formed with a number of changes to the hierarchy. Major Black moved on to sunny climes in Italy and was replaced by Major Bullock, RTR, as the new Emperor with Captain Alderman replacing Capt Christie as 2IC. WO2 Costello was teased out of the training wing to replace WO2 Martin as SSM, immediately demonstrating his physical prowess by dominating squad- ron PT. Lt Innes and Lt Jefferis saw the light and moved from The Guards to The Empire, whilst 2Lt Griffiths arrived fresh from Troop Leaders and the ROG to com- plete the new line up.
The Sqn was straight back to providing Support to Experimentation and Training (SET), with a composite Tp(-) under Sgt Abbott deploying to support Ex Jackals Challenge on Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA). Meanwhile, the remainder of the Sqn was either fixed on Military Aid to Civil Authority taskings in Scotland or preparing to deploy on the Army Warfighting Experiment on SPTA (Lt Jefferis’ article later in this edition of the journal will elaborate on this tasking). In the margins, BCS training was conducted to bring The Empire towards the start
state for Ex Wessex Storm 5/21. Cpl Julien, recently returned from RACTR and Crew Commanders, delivered engaging and impressive lessons on both mounted and dismounted tactics to re-orient the Sqn towards conventional reconnaissance. At the same time, A Squadron dominated the regimental team sheet at the 1(UK)XX Bismarck Challenge event, with notable mentions going to Lt Jefferis and Lt Innes, the SSM, Sgt Thurtle and Cpl Hampson.
It was not until mid-October that the Sqn was all back in Gaza Barracks,
Sgt Russell taking a well earned rest
Sgt Thurtle and Sgt Roos demonstrating how mutton chops and pipes go hand in hand
Op NEWCOMBE medals parade
Local children running rings around Sgt Monaher on the football pitch
A Sqn 2IC getting his head down
Calling in support on tour

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