Page 16 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 16

                                 The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
  BSquadron, ‘The Guards’, have over- come all odds in the last year to con- duct comprehensive and continued train- ing packages, ensuring its soldiers are in the best possible place going into 2022.
The Sqn found itself locked outside in the cold in the early part of the year, with many of the more experienced soldiers being pulled away to support A Sqn on Op Newcombe.
However, despite the loss of familiar faces to this deployment, and the contrasting rumination from their comrades in C Sqn recently returned from Poland, the Sqn showed remarkable fortitude.
The time has been well spent and largely dedicated to training. In February the first
B Squadron
‘back to basics’ exercise was run by the crew commanders, focusing on educat- ing new troopers in the Light Dragoons way of doing reconnaissance. This was followed by driver training before going into a 3-week urban exercise in May. This package introduced the sqn at all levels to the use of new optics, equipment, OP con- struction, infil/extraction, before deploy- ing to Longmoor to put all into practice.
In June, a troop was sent to Salisbury Plain to assist SCOTS DG by inflating their OrBat for Ex Wessex Storm. This was an eye-opening experience and helped the sqn in its own preparation by the vari-
ous ‘lessons learned’.
In July, prior to summer leave, the Guards continued their trend of troop
training with another ‘back to basics’ exer- cise and rewarded their hard work with a week of multi-activity adventurous train- ing in the Lake District. This all came at a good time for the 20 members of the squad- ron who had spent 5 days in Lydd being bludgeoned by the RMAS CSgts’ cadre, who were conducting their public order package. A comprehensive range package consisting of new shoots on the SA80 A3, GPMG, pistol, HE grenade was conducted. This consisted of ACMT, CQB, IBSR and multi-weapon shoots all conducted on the
sunny sides of Warcop ranges. This led seamlessly into a well-earned
summer leave.
Come October, the Guards found themselves at the begin- ning of their post-summer
    Hard at work on Ex Wessex Storm
Subsurface life

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