Page 74 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 74

                                               The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
   Bismarck Challenge 2021
For the victors, their spoils
 The Bismarck Challenge! What is it? Organised and facilitated by 1 Div, it is a team relay event, where each member of a 4-person team hoofs 4 miles carrying 15kg in weight over undulating (quite boggy) terrain. Each relay would create a combined timing which would place teams accordingly. Teams were categorised as male, female, and mixed. A very simple yet demanding event!
Having been awarded overall winners in the last competition back in 2019, the Commanding Officer’s intent was clear: “the Rhino trophy stays in our Normandy room, we retain the title. Make it happen!” After a winning performance in the famous Paras 10 competition, the responsibility of selecting and training the team was left to none other than bergen running velocirap- tor, Cpl Danny Rae, of the Legion, who would captain the team.
The regiment had 8 weeks to prepare. On week 0, the regimental athletes were
selected by a 2km screening run for CO’s PT. At the finish line, and 17 fist bumps later, the regimental A team was formed. Due to wider regimental commitments, the training cycle was almost non-existent and relied heavily on individual empower- ment to make sure they were ready.
Wednesday 20th October 2021, race day was upon us. After an early RV outside the WOs & Sgts’ Mess to dish out Lateral Flow Tests, the team was good to go. Lt James Digby, fresh out of an OP for the previous 48 hours met the team in York. The Regiment went all out and registered the maximum number of teams permit- ted. 2 male teams, 1 female, 1 mixed and 1 RHQ team. Due to lack of training, game plan was key! Teams were picked tactically, mostly to distribute some of the female racing snakes, to capture high places for both the female and mixed teams. After registration, there was an unplanned shuf- fle which saw the mix up of racing chips for the CO and Mr Digby; this would later
be to the dismay of WO2 Fyfe (who had been training roughly 7 times a day), when the ‘CO’ finished 2 seconds quicker.
All teams competed fiercely, placing very high on all fronts. The prizes claimed were as follows: fasted male (Cpl Rae), fasted female (Cpl Stevenson), fasted male team (Capt Addison, Lt Innes, Cpl Rae, Cpl Hampson), fasted female team (Capt Strawbridge, Cpl Stevenson, LCpl Logan, LCpl Slade). This combined effort vaulted the regiment into pole position as over- all winners. Prize giving was eventful, with torrential rain ruining Sgt Thurtle’s hair and seeing all competitors scarper for cover. The Normandy room is host to Bismarck silverware yet again and we will absolutely endeavour to do the same again in 2022.
    Adverse weather condition
Cpl Rae practices his winning smile

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