Page 37 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 37

 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 35
   QM Main Dept
For the hardest working department in QDG... - 2022 saw the department spread thin across the UK and Mali. The QM, Maj Dan Brown, was in Mali with: SSgt Al Pope running the logistics bridge between Mali and the UK supported by Cpl Steve Thurston; and the every-versatile Sgt Richy Powell supporting everything else G4. Their time in Mali is covered in the main Op NEWCOMBE article, so all I’ll cover on Mali, is that they kept the DE mantra of ‘G4 just happens’ alive through their seamless delivery. The reality was the swan fable – all’s calm above the water, what you can’t see is the effort under the surface. As a team, a great credit to QDG under Maj Browns leadership.
Back in the UK, the start of 2022 had WO2 Dale Thomas with the rest of the QMs department working hard with the changes to RBSM (Robertson Barracks, Swanton Morley). Dale jumped feet first into the LE world, post his board results the previous October. He became the QM for the ROG (Rear Ops Group) and picked
department, they grabbed hold of the problem and got to work: Rhys leading with getting the loan-pool equipment in, ordering 30 ISOs to RBSM and solving every issue that came up; Sgt Del Delana picking up the Accommodation SNCO role and removing some of the pressure from the rest of the team; LCpl Brad Moore getting his head into his books, to work out how we get all the DG (Dangerous goods) into the US by boat; Tpr Rowan Clow always there to support the team with a brew; and the 1LO with the new commander, SSgt Lila Gurung, getting the demands for all the kit in. The task was multi departmental and thanks must go to WO2 Martyn Ruddy and his Tech team, the LAD, MT and both C & HQ SQMSs.
Whilst the planning on how to support c.1400 troops in the US was going on, there was an opportunity to visit a similar Ex in Germany. The QM volunteered to go to Ex CERBARUS in Germany as the BGLO, so he could see
    up his Capt in Feb 22. He was the main G4 PoC in RBSM for the team in Mali, getting resupplies out via the RAF. Also leading with liaison between QDG and the team building the new main entrance to camp. The latter role was difficult when trying to support so many different groups that have an interest in RBSM and access.
The reality was the swan fable – all’s calm above the water, what you can’t see is the effort under the surface
what was expected. It was a great opportunity and very quickly the task was clear – keep the brews going and don’t mess people about! Taking advantage of his routes, the QM decided to take (steal) all the Ex CERB RLS kit. He got on the phone and soon there was a team, headed by SSgt Ben Wilks, driving to Sennelager to take over all the kit.
Back in the UK the department got a new inflow from the Sqns. Sgt Dean Speed was given the new role of SHE SNCO, which he has taken on and ran with supported by Capt Martin Flitcroft the AFPA. Cpl Jamie Harrison who took on three roles: two as a 2ic, SHE and Accommodation; and leads with the VERTUS store from Brad Moore.
With the focus being fixed by Ex WARF- IGHTER it was great to have the support of the DIO and VIVO team on site. They under- stood that the QM has a limited bandwidth
Luckily the RCMO (not sure who that was...)
was on board and secured, with APC, the
move of WO2 Rhys Davies into the RQMS(A)
role early to support Dale. The pair, with the
support of the rest of the team in RBSM deliv-
ered through a very turbulent time. Rhys who
hadn’t long gotten back from Mali himself,
after a deployment as SSM C, got his feet
under the desk and started to deliver straight
away. He’ll be a credit to QDG when he takes
over as RSM of the Royal Yeomanry later in
2023. He’ll take them his experience on deployments and his problem-solving ability, which has been proven as RQ in 2022. Our links won’t ever have been as strong, as they will be when he is RSM.
and made sure they supported him. The thanks must go to Mrs Carey Cooper, Mr William Holmes, and Mr Derek Clapinson who are always working to support QDG in RBSM. Usually, they are the first to be blamed but the last to be thanked.
QDG had a great Marching period post Op NEWCOMBE. This was in no small part thanks to Lin our Taylor on camp. Most of the Soldiers needed their No2s bringing in and ribbons added. She worked hard and as always delivered. Thanks Lin.
A mentor for the QM and the wider Regiment in 22 was Capt Martyn Flitcroft. He’s been at RBSM longer than QDG and has knowledge that would be lost without him. For the QM he keeps him on track with SHE and acts as a soundboard. The hope is QDG move before Martyn retires, but that’s unlikely.
The part of the department that keeps the QM out of trouble is the 1LO team. This year they had: SSgt Al Pope posted out, who moved on post Mali; and will lose LCpl Asiwomi Awudy early in 23. The rest of the team with SSgt Lila are working hard, none more than Pte Limbu who is always there when there is work on.
As the QM, I owe a debt of gratitude to all the G4 team
across QDG and the Civilians that support us.
Once the team, with the rest of the 1LO, where reason- ably set and ready for what 2022 had to offer: the return of QDG TG to RBSM; all the builds and heating works on the site; the marches in Norfolk and Wales; and the training events they would support. There was a steady year ahead of them, that they could plan for. Roll into May 2022, and all this would turn on its head. Over a bunch of back and too WhatsApp messages, Dale was boarding a flight to Kentucky in the USA... A five-day trip starting in Ft Leavenworth and ending after a road trip to Ft Hood in Texas, QDG had been ‘volantold’ to provide the RLS for 3UKXX’s Ex WARFIGHTER 23.4. This task was a warm welcome from 1DRS BCT and 3UK Div, with what felt like a vertical mountain to climb. Dale put together a good recce report, got back to the UK and was heard laughing down the corridor as he said ‘catch’ to the RCMO – QM Des.
The RCMO looking through his memory banks of his time as the RQ(T) and bringing his time as the NSE (National Support Element) commander in Poland together, slumped in his seat... In July 22, the RCMO Capt Matt Hansen became the QM after a handover from both Dale and Dan. Supported by his new team in the QM

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