Page 38 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 38

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 MT Troop
From the dusty sands of Mali to the streets of the UK, members of MT have been at the core of QDG activities during 2022. Wherever there has been a QDG Sabre Sqn soldier across the globe, they have been supported by MT; Delivering kit and equipment to ports, Transporting soldiers to embark on Operational tours and ensuring the wheels are turning at RD.....MT has done it all!
With OPERATION NEWCOMBE 3 requiring a hefty input from MT, MTO Capt Trev Homer deployed as the A1 commander to Mali and SSgt Will Hughes remained at RD as MTWO in support of the ROG. Whilst the ROG battled against the ever-changing commitments with little workforce, those deployed face the greatest challenge QDG MT have faced since OP TELIC, the LRRG A1.
The LRRG A1 was the largest element to hit the ground during OPERATION NEWCOMBE. It was a monumental feat, all the heavy enabling elements moving up to 2000 Kms over 20 days covering inhospitable terrain. The entire LRRG was kept moving with fuel, rations, and water; an oft thankless task but an absolute critical one. A task that would have been unachievable without the support of Capt Homer and his A1 team. A1 had control of not only the LAD and MT assets but an additional element- The GMSG. The GMSG is a group of specialist surgeons, doctors and nurses that enabled A Sqn and A Coy R IRISH to push deeper for longer.
The GMSG ensured A1 and the LAD had plenty of opportunity to correct the doctors inability to self-recover their vehicles, they seemingly loved to seek out deep soft sand whilst cutting their own tracks. All this was a pure delight for Capt Homer and Sgt “Sky” Korovulavula, who to this day, break out into shakes of rage at the thought of axle deep sand on
an SV commanded by a doctor.
From power lifting to marathons, the LRRG conducted various charity and competitive events whilst deployed, with Cpl ‘Ratty’ Ratalack, LCpl Finlay and LCpl Owen flying the MT flag during each of the testing events. Sky and Cpl Tukana playing key roles in the various rugby events often seeing Wales, Ireland, England and Fiji being pitted against
each other.
June saw the return of those who
deployed to Mali with most taking some well-earned leave before the Regimental re-ORBAT in September. Many moved onto other roles within the Regiment and new faces moved into the depart- ment. Capt Homer moved on to become QM(T), Cpl Yard to the QMs depart- ment and Cpl Ratalack to Bovington as a DMI. WO2 Hopkins took over as MTO with WO2 Navunisaravi in as MTWO, the steadfast Sgt Korovulavula remaining as MT Troop Sergeant. LCpl Ian Owen also remained and has kept MT in the good books with the QMs, working tirelessly to maintain the Troops green fleet holdings against the backdrop of ceaseless trawls and taskings. The stream of post-tour
inspections and audits have definitely caused the new team to hit the ground sprinting!
LCpl Murphy has returned to the joys of controlling the white fleet desk, his patience being tested daily by the constant stream of Troop Leaders and Troopers requesting vehicles as close to tasking as possible. Cpl Rick Williams continues to work his magic with D Licencing, creating a large pool of coach driver to enjoy the taskings that 2023 will no doubt bring. Cpl Mather has finally returned to do some work after a prolonged stint enjoying the delights of a trawl to Germany, he continues to enjoy monster in moderation.
2023 will no doubt provide sufficient challenges for MT and those who work behind the scenes to keep QDG moving and fighting.
As ever MT stand ready........unless you
         Standard MT leaguer Drills... shade and sliders
A1 Leaguer at sunset
MT heavy units Cpl Finlay, Cpl Ratalack, LCpl Owen
 A1 Commanders Battle Beast... feared by doctors and surgeons
want a 4x4.

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