Page 40 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
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1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Welfare Office
        Cpl Bernard reliving his youth
2022 has been an extremely busy year for the small Welfare team. We have overseen BGHQ and A Sqn deployed to Mali, played an integral part of decom- pression in Gibraltar for those returning, organised and delivered various welcome home parties, and worked closely with Noah’s Ark Pre-school, all while many faces of the Welfare team have changed over.
While most of the Regiment were deployed on Op NEWCOMBE at the beginning of 2022, Sgt Kev Young and Cpl John Bernard were busy delivering various trips around the local area, as well as evening activities in the Dragons Den for the spouses and dependents. These trips are funded by the deployed family’s welfare grant that the Regiment receives while on Operations. Both families on Robertson Barracks and at reach back in Wales benefit from these activities, main- taining the Regiments family ethos.
Fortunately, the current UWO Capt John Davies returned from Bovington to take over Capt Gareth Pearce. This allowed for continuity on RBSM and a UWO ‘forward’ to run the decompres- sion package on Devils Tower Camp in Gibraltar as members of the Regiment
Capt Davies embracing the tweed
returned from Mali. The package offered a series of home coming briefs and recre- ational activities such as lounging on the beach, water sports and an all-ranks BBQ. Although not all enjoyed timely flights due to the RAF – no change there!
We say goodbye to Revd (Maj) Stephen Wilson and hello to Revd (Capt) Ailsa Whorton, arriving in time to deliver Remembrance Day and Christmas Carols in the village church.
Noah’s Ark Pre-School is continuing to thrive under the manage- ment of Rebecca Langton and her team. Providing the very best early years care to our service children along with the children from the local community. Further funding has been agreed to refresh the nursery garden
Now all safely returned, it was time for some inter Sqn celebrations prior to some well deserved leave. A series of Sqn BBQs facilitated by the Welfare team, culmi- nating with a Regimental summer fair for all to attend. I must take this opportunity to thank all those involved making the day a success!
The Community Support Development Worker, Miss
Sarah Coote has delivered
some fantastic activities
during the leave periods, offering the children a safe place to engage with others and test their abilities while having fun. Additionally, running the youth club through the week and contributing to other key events through the year, such as Halloween and the Christmas Panto- mime provided by The British Forces Foundation.
not all enjoyed timely flights due to the RAF – no change there!
from Early Years Norfolk.
A great year for the QDG Welfare team and the community group that supports us daily on all that we want to deliver to the families of the Regiment and local community. 2023 will bring new chal- lenges with further deployments on the horizon. With Capt John Davies now a board member on the Armed Forces Covenant Trust (Norfolk), hopefully we can secure more funding to deliver
another memorable year.
     Summer Fair
Capt’ Davies and Pearce conducting the HOTO on the river Wensum

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