Page 68 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 68

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
Until this year, the QDG Basketball team had largely lied dormant following the COVID pandemic. However, with an influx of keen players joining the Regiment and with the rallying call of Basketball OIC, Lt Walsh, the QDG has competed in its first competitive tourna- ment for over 3 years.
With an incredibly busy Regimental FOE, maintaining a consistent training programme has been somewhat diffi- cult, but in this year every effort has been made to rebuild the team and invest in a core group of players who can lay the foundations for future success. The team now trains weekly on Tuesday evening as well as running scrimmages on a Wednesday afternoon. Although largely dominated by novices, the team has been fortunate to benefit from the expe- rience of our attached arms players, Cpls Carradus (RAMC) and Bain (SPS) who have been able to share their knowledge and run developmental training sessions. The Regiment is also fortunate to have an experienced player as the team 2IC, LCpl Fletcher, who has invested a consider- able amount of his personal time into bringing on the newer players.
Although the team faced a disappointing result at the UK Inter Unit Midlands Competition, the players should not be disheartened, as for many, this was their first experience of competitive fixtures. The team performed admirably and now under- stands the benchmark when competing against Corps and Army players. Novices such as Tpr Robinson, the team’s MVP for the competition, highlight the potential in QDG Basketball and set a good example of what can be achieved with the right attitude and determination.
The year 2023 will be used to further develop the team, with the aim of qual- ifying two internal level one basketball coaches. We look forward to more fixtures in the spring, and will no doubt have a better run at the silverware.
3 Ls in one day
 Benny’s ball
 Half the number, half the height
       Robbo gets the silverware
On Wednesday 28th September, QDG entered the Midlands Festival of Sports. The Squash team sailed through the group stages straight into the semi-finals, only dropping 1 game in the process. The semi-final was a slightly tighter match up, however the team managed to again sail through 3-0.
The final was against 23 Engr Regt, keen to get revenge from their group stage loss to us. Cpl Cooper took his match 2-0. LCpl Newbold dug in blind until the very last point, however the competition was strong, and he just missed out on the win. Being level now at 1 apiece, it was down to Sgt Dell if QDG was to win. Sgt Dell didn’t fall to the pressure, and took his match 2-0, leaving the final result 2-1 to QDG, and the Regt being crowned Midlands Champions.

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