Page 69 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 69

 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Cowes Week
During the first week of August, Second Lieutenants Clark and Swailes took a crew of QDG soldiers to Cowes Week to compete in a week of competitive inshore yacht racing. Cowes Week is the largest sailing regatta in the world and takes place off the Isle of Wight. It is a key part of the British sporting calendar and this year was particularly special as a novice QDG team were in attendance. The QDG were racing onboard White Knight 7, a J109 that belongs to the RAC Yacht Club. Despite it being Tpr George’s first time on a yacht, and the majority of the crews’ first time racing, we managed to hold our own in a competitive fleet. The town of Cowes was bustling and ensured our evenings were just as exciting as the racing prior. Highlights of the week included a cocktail party at the Royal Yacht Squadron and the Mount Gay opening party in Cowes Yacht Haven. Visits from Major Hoey and Lieu- tenant Al-Khamiri gave a boost of energy to the crew both on and off the water and brought some much-needed experience
The 2022/2023 season has really been a turning point for QDG Fieldsports after a tricky period due to the Covid-19 restrictions followed by the majority of the regiment being away in Mali for last season.
This year saw the opening of Holkham fishing lake to the wider regiment and a superb days shooting had by the Officers’ Mess on our neighbouring Hoe Hall estate.
Holkham Fishing lake, run by the Norfolk Fishing Club (NFC) is a stocked trout fishing lake with the ability to course fish for Roach, Rudd and lure fish for Pike at certain times of the year. The regiment
to a young crew. The best result of the week was 6th out of a fleet of 20 boats with the QDG finishing the week with an overall position of 11th. The foundations were firmly set for a new era of QDG yachting. The next event in our calendar is the Combat Arms Sailing Regatta held annually in Sea View. To build on our success at Cowes Week, and to further cement sailing as the sport of choice, we will be submitting two teams this year.
Is it meant to tip this far?
        chins and chips
has 2 rods available within the member- ship which has as of this year been opened up to the wider regiment. Fishing is strongly encouraged on Wednesday sports afternoons as it enables individ- uals to enjoy the phenomenal countryside that we are surrounded by as well as an opportunity to take a break from busy regimental life. Look forward to a write up in next years journal from those that have been enjoying the opportunity!
The Officers’ Mess shoot day on our neighbouring Hoe Hall Estate saw the mess enjoy a days shooting with like permission from the Kieth Family. This
was the first day for the vast majority of the mess after three years deeply missed years. We split into two teams of guns where we would ‘shoot one, beat one’ with those with no or less experi- ence have a coach stood with them on peg. This worked extremely well with everyone managing to shoot at-least one bird, in some cases their first!
After the day we retired to the mess for a very fun dinner. The day was thor- oughly enjoyed by all. A special thank you to James Kieth for hosting us and John Hassell for putting on the day.

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