Page 70 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 70

    Dangerous Dave is on it again
After a frustrating few years 2022 finally saw the lifting of Golf’s COVID restric- tions with a full calendar of fixtures planned for the coming season. C SQN had recently returned from a spell of hard-earned leave post operations in Mali and brought with them a healthy number of new golfers keen to get stuck in. Courses all around Norfolk were soon filled with the familiar shouts of ‘FORE’ as Dragoons got back into the swing of things fighting winter rust in preparation of the coming season.
The first event of the year saw 9 QDG personnel fly out to Faro, Portugal on what is the regiments first ever Golf tour. Overthenextfourdaystheteamwould play three rounds of Golf at Pestana Gramacho Golf resort. A combination of afternoon tee-times and relentless winds resulted in some great and not so good golf being displayed. SSgt Taylor after playing the sport for several years was finally hit with a ball courtesy of a thinned shot from Cpl Mather. Capt Maxwell has learnt always to check the number on his club after being deceived by SSgt Davies 220’s antics. And most notably Capt Cooper was rewarded with an Eagle on
Another loss for Cpt Maxwell even with his handicap
the PAR 5 18th hole after his hard work organising the trip. A successful tour enjoyed by all and one that we plan to repeat in the future.
with a team entering the Army inter unit championship. Held over two days at the Army Golf Course, Aldershot. After
    Numerous Army Golf Association Eastern region events throughout the year saw QDG representa- tion from mixed members of the regiment with long time regulars Sgt Watson and LCpl Parker turning in respectable scores.
Courses all around Norfolk were soon filled with the familiar shouts of ‘FORE’ as Dragoons got backintothe swing of things
respectable scores posted in day ones Stableford compe- tition the team progressed to the Matchplay knockout stages eventually being eliminated in a 2&1 loss in the semi-finals. LCpl Shaw picking up the winning point with LCpl Sell only losing his match on the 18th hole.
The team participated in the festival of sport walking away as winners before the seasonwasroundedoffwith a bogey competition held at St Neots GC with Sgt Watson winning a ‘4 ball’ voucher for an away day. Golf remains a thriving sport within regiment life with both old and new
LCpl Sell managed to
convince Sgt Pugh, LCpl
Shaw and SSgt Taylor to
participate in Macmillan’s
Cancer research ‘the longest
day ’ challenge in what would
prove to be the hottest day of
the year so far in late June.
The challenge consists of
four rounds of golf back-to-
back equating to 72holes of golf over 25 miles. Starting at 0500, hole 72 was completed sixteen hours later. Sunburnt, blistered and sore legs were rewarded by the team raising over £700 for charity.
members of the team representing QDG at regional, corps and Army level. We look forward to 2023 where the calendar of events is already filled and bringing some silverware back to Robertson Barracks.
2022 saw another first for QDG golfers
    MTP, the perfect camouflage for hair loss
Lads and Dads

   68   69   70   71   72