Page 71 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 71

 Regimental Football
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
     There was a slow start to the 2022 football season due to Op Newcombe 3 and the associated post-tour leave that followed. Nevertheless, we took the opportunity in early May to conduct football training with senior members of the squad from the ROG. With the indomitable WO2 Fisher as the new football officer, supported by the indefati- gable SSgt Emmings as player coach, we fielded a very strong squad comprised of 40 footballers to compete in the Major Unit Cup and the Army East Midlands League.
The squad was now training twice a day with structured training sessions by part-coach, part-striker SSgt Emmings. The squad was mainly comprised of young, fit, robust footballers who enjoyed a more faster attacking style of football.
The first friendly saw us play against 8 Fd REME and what a game it was! Leading the game for most of the match thanks to LCpl McDermott and Tpr Royal, we then decided to switch off and concede two last minute goals to lose the game 3-2. For a young squad this was a massive learning curve and will only improve the squad in the future.
Next, we faced 7 Bn REME at home and, with a vast amount of home support, it was time to redeem ourselves. The game was in the balance with QDG down 2-0 until the last ten minutes when our play- er-coach SSgt Emmings pulled one back with a header. It was in the last gasp of the game when LCpl
Jones (not the horse) decided to
go forward
for the
Postman turned footballer
corner and, unmarked, put the QDG on level terms and it finished 2-2.
Finally, it was Major Unit Cup Day! The QDG were at home against 30 Signal Regiment, and this was the first time that we were sitting flush with all the ROG and Operation Newcombe 3 footballers fighting for a place in the squad. 30 Signal Regiment started the brightest, but we were strong in defence and held them to 1-1 at half time. After a brief break, we came out fighting and, with a good piece of play from LCpl Harcourt down the right wing, switched the play to our main striker Cpl Donnachie for a close range tap in. The celebrations were short lived thanks to a red card and suddenly 30 Signals, with nothing left to lose, put
Chop ‘im
our defence under increasing pressure. Two vital defensive mistakes on our part gave a well deserved win to 30 Signal Regiment.
Next year we will look forward to the Cavalry Cup and involvement in the East Midlands League, however this will come with some challenges due to Regi- mental commitments across the world. A special mention must go to all those that continue to represent the RAC team and a congratulations to Cpl Donnachie who once again represented the Army U23 and the men’s senior team. My last point is a massive thank you to SSgt Emmings who provides us with a good platform to work on and all the best in the future.
     That were absolutely diabolical

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