Page 73 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 73

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 71
  A soggy bunch
  A different kind of rollover drills     Hot wheels
A Sqn Adventurous Training
    After the Deserts and Wadis of Op NEWCOMBE 3 and the parade squares of Ex EAGLE’s RETURN A Sqn deployed on Ex TRIDENT EAGLE (Offshore Sailing) and Ex EAGLES PADDLE (Kayaking and Mountain Biking). The budding sailors of A Sqn departed for the Royal Britannia Naval College, Dartmouth to undertake 2- weeks Offshore Sailing on the RAC Yacht, White Knight VII. Skippered by Lt Clark (the Regiment’s resident Sailing and Skiing Officer) we set sail. With a few of the crew feeding the fish, the basics were understood. This was for many the first time on a sailing yacht, a literal drop into the deep end. The first week we made best speed to Salcombe, but with the weather forecast for this week being heavy rain, thunderstorms and above 20 knots gusting wind, a re-evaluation of the plan was needed. The crews devel- oped their confidence quickly, perfecting the skills and drills of coming alongside and putting up the main sail and keeping the yacht ‘ship shape.’ They also quickly became skilled galley chefs, with daily culinary delights! However, constrained by dire weather conditions the crew enjoyed the entertainments of Devon more than the waves. On our return, after an enthusiastic jibe we ripped the main sail coming back into Dartmouth. Fortu- nately, a spare was quickly sourced, and the sailing continued.
The second week started off bright and clear with the wind behind us. Skippered by Maj Kemp-Gee RY, we set sail. Luck was obviously not on our side, and very quickly ripped another mainsail. Making for a very unhappy RACYC Commodore (Maj Hoey) and restricting our sailing considerably for the rest of the week. However, we were not to be deterred. Under foresail and spinnaker and occa- sionally motor, the crew toured the south coast from Salcombe to Torquay. They demonstrated their newly acquired knowledge particularly with the spin- naker which is a complicated procedure even for an experienced crew. The crew achieved their Competent Crew qualifi- cation, with Cpl Couch achieving his Day Skipper. Overall, an adventure was had by all.
Fast and Furious 22
Ex EAGLES PADDLE took a group of soldiers from A and HQ Squadron to the beautiful Lake Beld in Slovenia. The group spent two weeks getting to know the local lakes and mountain bike trails while completing the Inland Kayak Foun- dation course and building on quality mountain days on the newly purchased QDG mountain bikes. Thanks to SSgt Ellis RAPTC, Cpl Gilliam, and Pte Mace of the MPGS, all instruction came from within RBSM and this was a huge benefit to the success of the expedition. Our own RAO even noting that it was considerably under budget! The wooden spoon for the trip must go to Sgt Dell RE, who ended up with grazes on every part of exposed skin. It was a fantastic trip, but I would not drive there again!

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