Page 96 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 96

94 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Message from the
1st Reconnaissance Regiment Sri Lanka Armoured Corps
       Presidential and Regimental Standards Marching at the Ferret Scout Car during the 74th Independence Day Parade on 04 February 2022
 From the beginning of the year 2022, the Regimental Headquarters, along with the Headquarters Squadron, A Squadron, and the B Squadron deployed at the Rock House Camp in Colombo (Home of Armour). Further, two troops from the B Squadron deployed in the Special Forces Camp in Seeduwa and the Transit Camp in Rathmalana respectively. Further, C Squadron is deployed at the Kerawal- apitiya and provides security for the Petroleum Terminal at Kerawalapitiya. Furthermore, twelve BTR 80A AFVs have deployed in Mali with the Combat Convoy Company deployed under the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).
Among the units belonging to the Sri Lanka Armed Forces, the 1st Reconnais- sance Regiment is constantly preparing for the security of the urban areas and Colombo suburbs as the unit that has been assigned more responsibilities related to urban security. Squadron Commanders, Troop Leaders, and Tank Crews are always ready to be deployed in emergency duties according to the
instructions of the Army Headquarters, Armoured Brigade, and the Regimental Centre. The unit is always ready for immediate actions for the security of the President’s Office, Prime Minister’s Office, Parliament Complex, Bandara- naike International Airport, and other Vulnerable Places.
With the mass protests that occurred against the government in March 2022, the unit has been tasked to conduct Show of Force Operations in the heart of Colombo and its suburbs. In that, A and B Squadrons deployed their BTR 80A and WMZ 551 AFVs to conduct extensive patrolling in the streets of Colombo.
Having the intention of establishing and improving the capabilities of officers and soldiers in their respective roles, training has been conducted at the unit level, especially every Wednesday. Further, despite the heavy workload assigned to the unit, the officers and other ranks are being participated to the maximum extent in the courses offered by the Armoured Corps Training Center, Army Training Schools as well as the overseas courses
offered by the Directorate of Training. Maintaining the age-old customs and traditions as well as the pride of the regiment, Presidential Standards, and the Regimental Standards marched on the Ferret Scout Car during the 74th Independence Day celebration parade held on 04 February 2022. Moreover, the regiment celebrated its 67th anniver- sary on October 2022. The celebrations included Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian as well as Islam religious activities, a Ceremonial Parade for the Commanding
Officer followed by an All Ranks Lunch. Finally, the Commanding Officer and All Ranks of the 1st Reconnaissance Regiment Sri Lanka Armoured Corps would prefer to extend our warm wishes for all the officers and soldiers of the 1st Queens Dragoon Guards who are presently in active service, the retired officers and soldiers, and each and every member of their families, courage, strength and fortune to accomplish the goals set for the year 2023. May you have a New Year filled with peace, happiness,
prosperity and good health!
1st Reconnaissance Regiments’ BTR 80 at CCC under MINUSMA
   Commanding Officer inspecting the 67th Anniversary Day Parade on 10 October 2022
 1st Recconnaissance Regiments’ WMZ 551A AFVs at Show of Force Operations

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