Page 97 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 97

 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
    Porthmadog Jackal visit (with neighbouring cadets)
  Porthmadog visit team picture
Clwyd and Gwynedd ACF Report 2022
Porthmadog visit hands on
Mold Remembrance Sunday
      Clwyd and Gwynedd ACF have two detachments that are proudly affiliated with the 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards – Mold and Porthmadog detachments.
The year has seen a very welcome return to cadet activities and both detach- ments are steadily increasing in numbers. The programme included a number of visits including the North Wales Police Drone Unit who were a big hit in Mold. We also managed an Easter camp and summer camp in Sennybridge.
The Regimental Engagement Team managed two visits to Porthmadog in March and July. In March Sgt Scott Grills, who arranged the visit, was delighted to present certificates to cadets who had recently completed their basic training. In July Porthmadog had the pleasure of the Regimental Sergeant Major joining for a chat as well as Sgt Grills with his team who brought along a Jackal vehicle with weapons to demonstrate
Sergeant Instructor John Magrath has taken over at Detachment Commander in Mold from CSM Barrie Reid who following Commissioning earlier in the year has now moved as 2IC of Crecy Company the Senior Cadet Training Company.
Mold Detachments Matteo Moli- ca-Franco has had a rewarding year. As a member of the Corps of Drums he undertook the role of sculptors’ model of a Regimental Goat Major for a memorial statue which is to be erected outside Wrexham’s Hightown Barracks. Matteo was also awarded The Jim Hewitt Trophy for Excellence for 2021 recognising his significant contribution to the ACF. To finish the year having successfully completing the arduous Master Cadet Course he was promoted to Cadet Company Sergeant Major for Cambrai Company.
Mold’s Cadet Cpl Lewis Smith repre- sented Clwyd and Gwynedd at the national Senior Cadet Conference making an excellent presentation to the Commandant and senior cadets on his experiences. Having successfully completing the Senior Cadet Instructors Course Harvey Magrath was promoted to Cadet Sergeant Major.
Both detachments took part in Remembrance Sunday parades and Mold was delighted to welcome several QDG veterans.
   Porthmadog Remembrance Sunday
  Mold North Wales Police Drone Unit visit
    Matteo Franco receiving the Jim Hewitt Award from Mrs Sandra Hewitt
  Cadets First Aid training
2Lt Barrie Reid

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