Page 99 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 99

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 97
  Regimental Comrades Association
President: Colonel of the Regiment, Brigadier AS Richmond OBE Chairman: Mr C T Gibbons
 Welcome everyone to this year’s journal. As ever much has been happening throughout the year and I’m pleased to report that the Regimental Comrades Association has been very busy.
I’m pleased to report that the RCA’s attendance was notice- able throughout. To finish off the year another very successful Reunion Dinner at the Masonic Hall Cardiff.
We were all saddened to hear the death of Her Majesty who sadly passed away on 8 September 2022 at the age of 96, ending her 70-year reign. A message of condolence was sent to the King on behalf of the Regimental Comrades Association.
The Branches have been very active over the year starting in March with Herefordshire and Forest of Dean having their inaugural dinner. June saw the usual gatherings in Wolfenbüttel TankFest and Wessex Branch BBQ. July was very busy with the Oswestry Dinner where we said our goodbyes and thanks to Dave “Scouse” handing over the reins to Dave “Ratty” Edwards.
Work is still ongoing at opening a Branch in Southwest Wales. If we can establish ourselves in the area, it would complete our aim by having Branches throughout Wales.
Membership is slowing creeping up, but we are no way near the numbers we should be. Could I therefore urge non-members to join as your contributions will make the RCA a much stronger and more established Association.
So once again I thank you all for your continued support in keeping the Regimental Comrades Association firmly on the map but
more importantly maintaining a link in looking after our
Maltby and The remainder of July we saw many freedom parades and
veterans wherever they may be.
Membership is slowing creeping up
 German Branch
    Over the Year we have held three very successful “Gatherings”, the first one in March for those living in Germany was held over the weekend 2nd March. 12 ex Dragoons attended with a prompt fashion show to show the locals our QDG Jumpers and Cardigans, a great time was had.
The Annual Waterloo Gathering was held over the weekend 17th to 18th June with the theme being Hawaiian shirts, a competition was held to find the best shirt with 1st prize being a bottle of Penderyn Whisky, this was a very close run affair between Simon Reed and Scouse Lewis, with Simon eventu- ally winning but only with the aid of his
secret weapon.....the “Eyes”, the local were in stiches and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
A Regimental Plaque was presented to the Stadtkeller and now hangs proudly for all to see.
The first ever Woofer’s
Christmas Market Gath-
ering was held over the
weekend 9th Dec, and it
can be safely said it was a
huge success, the Friday
evenings theme was Ugly
Christmas Jumpers with
some pretty horrendous examples on display much to the amusement of the
locals – much singing and dancing was done with the Stadtkeller not closing much before two in the morning on all three days – QDG Bar Runners are now in place and are a big talking point for all who enter, with the regulars proudly telling everyone they’re from our friends
the QDG.
Three events are
planned again for next year, a German Gath- ering, Waterloo and
Friday’s theme was Ugly Christmas Jumpers
another Christmas Market.
 Germany Branch modelling the latest Urban MTP

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