Page 76 - Bugle Spring 2025
P. 76

Major Claire Hudson started in the
Assistant Regimental Secretary (Welfare)
role in December. Her military career
started in the Reserves in 1988 when she
joined 4 RGJ as Asst Adjutant. She went
on to serve for 23 years as a Regular
Officer before embarking on a second
12-year career with the Foreign Office.
Returning to Full Time Reserve Service
at the end of last year sees Claire back
in uniform.
Asked for her first impression after just a
month in post, Claire said: ‘It’s impressive to
see how much RIFLES Benevolence helps
both Serving Personnel and Veterans.
Whilst first-line welfare is well-established
in Battalions through UWOs/ROSOs, my role
in RHQ RIFLES ties-in directly with Battalion
Welfare teams and, as my predecessor
did, I will continue to support these
relationships. For the Veteran community,
both SSAFA and RBL produce a high
standard of Casework which enable us to
support benevolence requests, and this
multi-Agency approach will continue.’
In 2024 (Jan to Dec)
The Rifles Benevolent
supported 616
Benevolence cases and
in doing so disbursed
Remember –
there’s no shame in
asking for help.
76 RIFLES The Bugle
I served in the 5 RIFLES for 10 years, but experienced complex PTSD
after deployment to Afghanistan on HERRICK 15 whilst serving with D
Coy and I was medically discharged as a result.
In 2022 I suffered a traumatic brain injury which left me with new
challenges to overcome including walking and talking. This made me
reclusive to the point that I avoided social situations. By chance, an
advert on my Facebook popped up, encouraging me to sign up to the
Invictus Games.
“It felt like fate – I thought why not? I was surprised when I was
selected. I’d attended the Battle Back Centre after leaving the Forces so
returning there again and going through the training camps has already
given me a sense of purpose and confidence to get back out there.
It’s even motivated me to complete my personal training course that I
started before my brain injury.”
I’m now only a few months away from the Games and hope to
compete in the Indoor rowing and Biathlon in Canada. “It’ll be great just
to feel part of something again and have my family out there supporting
me, that also extends to my RIFLES family.”
The Rifles have generously provided funding for a rowing machine so
that I can train, which I’m grateful for because I plan to fundraise in the
future to give back to the community and help the next person get a leg up,
like I did. The Invictus Games 2025 is the first winter games and begin in
February, keep an eye out for me and please help the RBL,
who sponsor so much and support people like me.
Antony ‘Tony’ Glancy

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