Page 39 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 39

                                     6 RIFLES
     Members of C Company had the
opportunity in 2021 to complete a Mortar Operator’s Cadre during the Battalion’s Annual Deployment Exercise. Whilst the cadre was both physically and mentally arduous, meeting instructors from 1 and 2 RIFLES was hugely rewarding and we learnt an awful lot.
As with all Reserve courses taken from the regular army syllabus, the cadre had to be condensed. The first week covered both theory and practical lessons. On the theory side we had to learn the different parts of the weapon system and its characteristics. I found what felt like hundreds of different components of the C2 sight difficult to master. On the practical side we started by getting our hands on the kit; the baseplate, the barrel and APL, the bipod, the C2 sight, and the Number One’s bag which contains a whole myriad of kit and equipment. We learned the words of command on a mortar line and set up the kit in slow time so that we could understand it.
For live firing we deployed to SPTA. Throughout the week we conducted various shoots; HE, Smoke, and at night, using Illume bombs. Finding confidence in the mortar, having just passed a weapon handling test the week before is nerve wracking! Especially when you drop a round down the barrel for the first time. Towards the end of the week and with the ammunition pile looking significantly smaller, we conducted some fire missions. This was an insight into what a mortar line would be like if you had troops in contact requiring our support.
The experience was hugely rewarding and we are very grateful for the support provided by the guest instructors from across the regiment. LCpl Ray, C Company
Finding confidence in the mortar, having just passed a weapon handling test the week before is nerve wracking!
Riflemen from 1, 2 and 6 RIFLES at the end of the Mortar Cadre on SPTA
Mortarmen from C Company getting put through their paces during the LF phase of the Operator’s Cadre
  RIFLES The Bugle 39

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