Page 40 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 40
This year’s Annual Deployment Exercise was the perfect opportunity to get back to doing what we do best as Riflemen. Over 50% of the world’s population live in an urban environment and therefore it is likely that future conflicts will see a large amount of action in these areas, and as a result
our training had an urban flavour. This is always exciting for us as Riflemen, as urban areas undoubtedly present a very different challenge to your typical section attack across rolling countryside.
It wasn’t just the environment that was exciting for our troops either. A focus on actions taking place at Section rather than Platoon level was an excellent opportunity
for our Junior NCO’s to hone their leadership skills and develop their sections. As one of the
40 RIFLES The Bugle
Platoon Commanders, it was a real pleasure to see the way in which the Riflemen looked up to their Section Commanders and 2ICs, who were superb throughout the exercise.
The first week began with harbour occupations, and we worked our way through BCD, vehicle and person searches, and into Operations in Built Up Areas. Using the facilities at Swynnerton, the sections developed their SOPs and worked on the drills until they became second nature. Stacking, rolling doorways, stoppage drills, entry drills to name but a few were honed under the watchful eye of the PSIs. The conclusion of the training at Swynnerton comprised a full day of Platoon urban attacks who launched three separate attacks on enemy compounds, giving the Sections a great opportunity to
Maj Steve Tisbury is awarded his Commander Field Army Commendation at the end of the Swynnerton phase of the ADE