Page 42 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 42

                                   7 RIFLES
     Significant Events
A Star Concentration for B Class Shots
With shooting impacted over the past 18 months, 7 RIFLES took the opportunity to hold a concentration at Pirbright and Ash ranges.
The intent was to further develop our shooting team by developing newer Riflemen as B class shots who would be able to ensure the team’s success in future years.
Under the nurturing leadership of WO1 Jamie Dwyer, the team did well, not only developing plenty of new talent, but also investing in the coaching skills of the more experienced Riflemen.
Lt Simpson (A Coy)
  • Bn Shooting Concentration
(Jul 21)
• Ex SWORD STRIKE (Sep 21)
• Ex CHOSEN SWORD (Oct 21)
7 RIFLES were selected to take part in a trial to help link and convert virtual training into reality. Despite being in the working week, we provided a fighting section and a civilian population cohort, showing that Reservists can secure time off for the right opportunity with enough notice and information.
It was brilliant to take part in activities which Army Reserves typically do not do and show case the skills of the Battalion to a wider audience. All involved enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to using the technology when it is ready.
Lt Norris (B Coy)
 • Bn Patrols Competition FENTIMAN SHIELD (Jan 22)
• RIFLES Army Reserves PJNCO Cadre Ex APPRENTICE BUGLE (Mar 22)
• Army Reserves (AR) Operational Shooting Competition (OSC) (Jun 22)
 Restrained by time, the Reserves must ruthlessly prioritise activity. 7 RIFLES is no different. With 60% mobilized on Ops TOSCA and RESCRIPT in 2020, we had less time for our Support Weapons. With this, and with an eye on what the Integrated Review might mean for specialist capabilities in the Army Reserves, I was tasked with kick starting the Assault Pioneer Platoon pretty much from scratch in 2021.
The first task was to sell the concept. There are always misconceptions, and it was important that people knew what opportunities were available.
With interest stoked, next was to get some hands-on experience. Over a hot July weekend at Wyke Regis Camp, Weymouth, 15 budding Pioneers had
a taster. Under Sjt Bruce Perfect, we were taught to use the Infantry assault bridge and the VALON hand-held
mine detector. Once proficient in bridge construction, we confirmed our new-found understanding with a night exercise – successfully bridging a void with the aid of HMNVS.
Our next focus was to get qualified. Attending courses throughout the year,
we now have the first qualified section.
In 2022, JNCOs will attend the Section Commander’s course, and the SNCOs
and myself, Battle Noise Supervisor and Demolitions Safety Officer courses, to become a true Battalion asset.
Capt Gemmell (C Coy)
42 RIFLES The Bugle
 Restrained by time, the Reserves must ruthlessly prioritise activity

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