Page 43 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 43

                                     7 RIFLES
      Exercise Sword Strike was 7 RIFLES’ primary two-week Annual Continuous Training (ACT) package in 2021 for those not on tours or career courses. We were joined by colleagues from 5 RIFLES, 5RRF, 4 Mercian and 1 Signals Regiment for parts of the exercise.
The first phase, in St Martin’s Plain Camp and Hythe Ranges, was a range package testing our abilities with rifle and GPMG, including an individual battle simulation range. The value was fantastic with all obtaining SA80 and GPMG ACMT passes. We also conducted a dismounted close combat Battle Craft Syllabus package on Cinque Ports Training Area.
For the next phase, we deployed to Salisbury Plain and into the field for a ‘TES
Ex.’ Using ‘Tactical Engagement Simulation’ against a live OPFOR (opposing force), we conducted attacks on fixed positions as well as Fighting in Woods and Forests (FIWAF). TES provided a new perspective to our training compared with using blank and we had to make sure our individual skills and drills were at their best to avoid becoming casualties. For many it was our first time operating together – our composite Platoons formed from
across 7 RIFLES – which caused challenges, particularly during dawn attacks when our SOPs needed to be on point. However, we quickly adapted and by the end were gelling
well. Certain Riflemen were even able to kill the enemy at greater than 300m range. Finishing with Adventurous Training
– mountain biking, caving, climbing, sea kayaking –Riflemen were pushed to perform under pressure. An all-round strong ACT. Rfn Coward (C Coy)
We quickly adapted and by the end were gelling well. Certain Riflemen were even able to kill the enemy at greater than 300m range
I was fortunate to deploy to the beautiful Swedish mountains on Exercise Joint Protector 21. This saw the exercising of a two-star Headquarters belonging to Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF); made up of UK and nine other Northern European states.
During my time in Sweden, I worked with members of the Navy and the RAF, as well as with other nations’ armed forces, exposing me to different ways of thinking and views on the global issues that Britain faces today. For any young Subaltern offered a similar role – snap it up! My thanks to those who enabled and prepared me to go, and the 3 RIFLES Force Protection Platoon who spent three months helping to set up and collapse the exercise.
2Lt Stuart (G Coy)
Fight for Comms
Our Communication and Information Systems (CIS) Platoon delivered the fundamental Infantry Basic Radio User (IBRU) course, training and developing soldiers in the use of section level communications systems, voice procedure and basic antenna theory.
A two-weekend delivery method (instead of the standard Monday to Friday course) was chosen to maximise the opportunity for our Reservists to attend. Despite not being ideal for our Regular staff, (thanks WO2 Rob Moore), this sort of compromise is required to maximise training for Reservists, who in turn are more qualified and competent to support the Regular Army. And it was a great success, with all 18 students from 7 RIFLES passing the course.
Capt Kelman (HQ Coy)
      RIFLES The Bugle 43

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