Page 65 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 65

       Buglers LCpl Hayward and Rfn Dzakpasu from 5 RIFLES
   In early August former World War II veteran, Alfred Billet celebrated his 100th birthday. Buglers, LCpl Hayward and Rfn Dzakpasu from 5 RIFLES attended along with Col (Retd) Michael Cornwall, Chairman of the Rifles and RGBW Regimental Association who came laden with birthday greetings and a cake bearing Alfred’s Army number and the cap badge of a RIFLES antecedent, The Wiltshire Regiment.
Also present was Alfred’s daughter, Lorraine, extended family members as well as representatives of the Royal British Legion, all whom enjoyed the cake.
Alfred was a proud recipient of the Croix d Guerre, the citation of which hung on his bedroom wall and reads as follows:
Caporal Alfred William Billett
Marshfield 3rd December 2015
On the 6th June 2014, on the beach at Ouistreham, in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, French President Francois Hollande sent a strong message of gratitude to Allied soldiers, and particularly to the British.
“Today, one year on, it is a true honour for me to come here and echo that message.
Caporal Alfred William Billett, you are a living witness to a history you wrote on our
soil, a history that shaped your identity, our identity and those of Britain and France.
Not only am I pleased to meet you and honoured by your presence, I wanted to say what a great example you represent for me, for young people, for our respective countries and for Europe.
Today, you are made “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur”, “ Knights of the legion of honour”. You are heroes of the Second World War, – Modern Knights – we honour.
It is through the courage of women and men, like yourself, British veteran, that our parents across the Channel were able to regain their freedom.
On a more personal note, my mother told me, many times, the story of how she had known that D-Day was coming and the relief she felt when she found out that, eventually, it succeeded.
On behalf of the French Republic and on behalf of my parents, I would like to say a warm thank you.”
Alfred Billet
On behalf of the French Republic and on behalf of my parents, I would like to say
a warm thank you
 RIFLES The Bugle 65

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