Page 71 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 71
Splash Ashton and Bob Vine
Inscription on Memorial Bench
from the Glosters, the Shropshire LI and the Durham LI, 1 and 6 RIFLES, the Salamanca Band, Gloucestershire ACF, plus many from Gloucestershire and elsewhere. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester attended as did the Colonel Commandant of The Rifles and the South Korean Minister for Patriots and Veterans Affairs. Most noticeable amongst all attendees was a strong cohort from Korean Veterans Association. Their brightly coloured national dress and decorative fans proved enormously popular with the people of Gloucester as they gathered by the Cathedral, marched through the streets and joined the collective salute.
The Cathedral service itself marked the special links between The Republic of Korea, Gloucestershire and The Rifles. A narrative and commemorative Order of Service
was produced including contemporary photographs and an excellent history to the war including the Battle of the Imjin River and a summary of actions by antecedent regiments of The Rifles within the United Nations Command. An Imjin 70 Co-ordination Group under the chairmanship of the Rifles County Colonel, Tony Ayres, organized a significant number of events throughout 2021 of which the Cathedral service, a march through the City of Gloucester and a dinner on the preceding evening was a weekend of activity in amongst a host of other Imjin 70 events. This way of organizing and delivering events was previously experienced at the homecoming of 1 RIFLES, from Kabul, when
the County Colonel again took a lead in driving forward outline and many detailed arrangements. As regional offices are more distant from points of activity such a method has merit. Last a special word of thanks go to Peter Snow who gave an outstanding address within the Cathedral.
In the absence of veterans being able
to visit Normandy, the Memorial Trust sent photographs of a bench that members of the Association in Somerset had sponsored. The sponsorship is a means of contributing funds towards the maintenance of grounds that surround the new memorial. We hope it won’t be long before some can visit and enjoy the views of both the memorial and Gold Beach while sat on the bench. Both 4th and 7th Bns of the SOM LI came ashore in the latter part of June with 43rd Wessex Division. Their first contact with the enemy came near the end
of the month and by the second week of July they were fighting for Hill 112. The inscription on the bench recognizes their part throughout the campaign in North West Europe.
The Bath Branch of the Association is proud to count amongst its membership,
Jack Eglinton, a Normandy veteran. Whether from the Second World War, the United Nations Command in Korea, Suez, Aden, Northern Ireland, the Falklands or more recent operations conducted by Riflemen each branch is proud to remember the fallen and those that subsequently could tell their story. The branch or association dinner or lunch remains a key date in the annual calendar. Now a much greater prominence is being given to The Rifleman’s Association (TRA) and it will be good to see younger members of the Regiment making their own mark within counties and communities. Rest assured that members of the long-established associations along with Trusts and trustees are ready
to encourage and assist as required. In addition their valued experience at times of Remembrance is noteworthy. This is manifest each year within our towns and cities and in 2021 the presence of the Imjin 70 Guard at the Cenotaph was notable.
We hope it won’t be long before some can visit and enjoy the views of both the memorial and Gold Beach while sat on the bench
Normandy Memorial Bench
RIFLES The Bugle 71