Page 28 - Oundle Life March 2025
P. 28
St. James’ Church
St. Nicholas’ Church, Islip
Holy Trinity Church, Denford
Rector: Reverend Nolan Robson
t: 01832 734614
Spring is approaching and with it comes
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day on March 4th)
and Mothering Sunday (30th March) both of
which will be celebrated in St James Church
– pancakes at Tuesday Coffee and a special
Benefice Service at 10.30am on Mothering
Sunday. There will be a service of ashing in
St Nicholas Church, Islip at 10.00am on Ash
Wednesday (March 5th) and this will signify
the start of Lent Groups which will be exploring
some of the big questions that Christians ask
about their faith. Each session stands alone
and there is no need to sign up in advance, just
come along and join us for any of the ones you
can attend. Check the website
for exact details of topics to be covered.
As well as pancakes on 4th March there
is always coffee and often cake in St James
Church on Tuesday and Saturday mornings
between 10am and 12noon. It’s a great place to
find someone to chat to and you can be sure
of a warm welcome. There is usually a short
Communion Service in the Chancel on Tuesday
mornings from 9.45am-10.15am too.
Praise and Play looks forward to welcoming
under 5s and their grown-ups from 9-10. 30am
in St James Church on Monday mornings. It’s
a great way to start the week! Look for the flag
outside and come on in to meet new friends,
sing, share a story, play and engage in a craft
activity. It will be great to meet you.
Another popular place to meet and chat is
Knitting on Monday evenings. No need to book
just come along to St James Church on Monday
evenings from 6.30-8.00pm. All ages welcome!
For the more energetic amongst you why not
try Line Dancing with Suzanne in the Church
Hall, either on Monday evenings from 6-7.00pm
or Tuesday lunchtimes from 12.15-1.15pm
Thrapston Indoor Market will be in the
Church Hall on Saturday 3rd March from
9.00am-1.00pm so come and visit us once
you’ve been to the Farmer’s Market, there’s
always a variety of stalls to visit.
On Sunday 23rd March there will be an
opportunity before the 9.30am service to watch
the church bellringers in action as they welcome
the congregation to worship. After the service
Chris and Frank Jenkins will be on hand to chat
to individuals about the art of Bellringing. A
pop-up display and leaflets will be in church
all week too. Bellringing practices are each
Monday, 7.30-9.00pm. Visitors and learners are
welcome. Contact Frank Jenkins franktjenkins@ 01933 460691.
The Men’s Fellowship will meet in St James
Church on Wednesday 26th March at 7.30pm
when Haydon Spenceley, Chaplain to the
Cobblers, will be coming to talk. For further
details please check the website – tdichurches. or email
Sunday 2nd March
9.30am Family Service in Thrapston
11.15am Morning Service in Denford
11.15am Communion Service in Islip
Sunday 9th March
9.30am Morning Service in Thrapston
11.15am Morning Service in Denford
Sunday 16th March
9.30am Morning Praise in Thrapston
11.15am Morning Service in Denford
11.15am Communion Service in Islip
Sunday 23rd March
9.30am Communion Service in Thrapston
11.15am Communion Service in Denford
6.30pm Worship and Word in Thrapston
Sunday 30th March Mothering Sunday
10.30am Benefice Service in Thrapston
JAMES Club and JAMES Club plus for primary
school age children meet on the 2nd, 3rd and
4th Sundays in term time and our Youth Bible
Study group, for those in secondary school,
meets during the services on the 2nd and 3rd
Sundays of the month. New members and
visitors are always welcome. There are toys and
activities for pre-school children who stay in the
service with their families.