Page 17 - Thrapston Life February 2022
P. 17
grass mat surface proved to be
too muddy for the amount of
feet on it in the winter. The new
surface is made from recycled
shredded rubber, bonded with
resin, which provides a safe
playing surface as well as remaining free of mud! There will also be a new bench installed near the roundabout. There is a new concrete surface under the pergola and we are also
in the process of installing a new bin by the play area. This will further enhance this great facility for our young families.
Peace Park users will recall that a beautiful Lebanese Cedar was destroyed in a gale in spring 2021. The good news is that this tree is being replaced by a native oak in this area of the park. Some trees also suffered in the recent tornado event which cut across the town leaving a trail of damage in its’ wake.
The town has a lot of green spaces with trees and residents often ask us how they are managed. All the significant trees in the town (in the Council’s ownership) are surveyed by professional arboriculturists on a 3-5 year
cycle, but in-between these inspections the Facilities Team and the Grounds Maintenance Contractors monitor them on a regular basis.
Recently the town has taken over the management of the green spaces
and trees that stretch from the Nine Arches Bridge to the Town Walk. Because they are now under our ownership the tree stock was surveyed in November 2021. A report has been provided outlining actions to be taken to maintain the health of the trees and to keep them safe.
Finally, at the time of writing (Dec 2021), we are undertaking a survey of the trees
down the Town Walk to establish what needs addressing due to the damage caused by the tornado. Fortunately, because the trees are monitored and managed regularly, most of the damage was minor, but nonetheless requires tidying up.
Whenever the Facilities Team go to bed on a windy night we often wonder what damage will greet us in the morning!